Chapter 31: Him

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Thomas's POV

Thomas wasn't allowed to go into James's room.

No one was.

Except for the doctors.

They all talked in hushed tones, some throwing him sympathetic glances.

The entire Hamilton/Schuyler group had come back. Angelica had chose to sit next to him, much to his surprise. She was holding her phone tightly, as if staring at it would solve her problems.

"If you're gonna call him, call him," Thomas told her.

Angelica snapped out of her thoughts. "What? Who?"

"We both know who," Thomas smirked at Angelica's blush.

"Why should he forgive me? I made the mistake."

"So then apologize," Thomas's face changed. "Before it ends up a mess like the one I made."

"Okay, I'll do it," Angelica went into a backroom and took her phone with her.

Then Thomas saw James's monitor flatline.


Angelica's POV

"Hey," Angelica took a deep breath. "We need to talk."

"That's never a good sign," John joked.

Angelica smiled. "You were right."



"Woah, Angie slow down," John laughed. "Start from the beginning,"

That was when Angelica heard her sister's shrill scream.

"What was that?" John asked.

"I think I have to call you back," Angie said, about to hang up.

"Wait," Her finger froze above the end call button. "I miss you, too"

Angie smiled slightly to herself before letting her finger drop on the screen, ending the call. She walked around the hall to see Eliza hugging Alex and sobbing into his chest.

Well, they made up pretty quick.

What really surprised her was Thomas Jefferson who was on the floor with his head in his hands.


Thomas's POV

Thomas didn't even hear Eliza's scream. The doctor's words were still rattling around in his head, getting louder by the second.

I'm sorry, he didn't make it.

No one really expected it.

No one's to blame.

No one's to blame.

No one's to blame.

You are to blame.

He couldn't feel Angelica take him out of the hospital. He couldn't feel the ignition start and the car drive. He couldn't feel anything. He wouldn't let himself feel anything. It was James Reynolds's fault, no, it was Hamilton's fault. He suppressed the thought of it being his fault. He didn't kill anyone. They were going to pay. When the car stopped, Thomas got out by himself. Angelica grabbed his shoulder.

"Thomas, this is not something you can just walk away from, this was hardcore an-" Thomas violently shook off Angelica's hand from his shoulder as she stared at the gesture.

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