Chapter 43: Schuyler → Hamilton, Peggy → ... Who?

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John's POV

John didn't remember much from last night. That was never a good sign. But he didn't drink last night, right? But then why was there a body sleeping next to him?

Wait, where's everyone?

Then he saw Theodosia. She was still asleep in the little makeshift bed they had made last night. John was getting out of bed when he accidently put his foot on the creaky floorboard.

Oh, turtles.

As if on cue, Theo Jr. started crying at the top of her lungs. He could've sworn that the people in the other dorms could hear her wails.

"Hey, hey, shhh." John tried futilely to quiet the fussing Theo.

"John, what's going on?" Angelica had turned around in their bed.

"Uh, nothing, I got it."

"It doesn't sound like you got it."

"Well, I do!"

"Then why is she still crying?"

"Jeez, Theo, please!" John cradled the small child.

What worked last time?

"I may not live to see our glory," John sang, hushed. "But I will gladly join the fight."

"And when our children tell our story," It was at that line that Theo finally quieted. "They'll tell the story of tonight."

He turned around to see that even Angie had fallen back asleep with a small smile playing on her lips.

You're in love with Angelica Schuyler.

Oh, turtles.


Eliza's POV

"Alex, I think we really need to do something about John and Angie's relationship." Eliza puttered about the room, looking for her stash of Peeps.

"But they're already, like, dating. What more can you ask for?" Alex grinned as he watched Eliza uncover the blue bunny Peeps, her favorite.

"Like, maybe they should get married?" Eliza casually said.

Alex choked. "Well, I don't think they'd be ready for that. But can we focus on other relationships? Like, ours?"

Eliza carried the box over to the table. "What did you have in mind?" 

Alex smiled. "Well, the baby isn't due for another, like, 9 months, but I was thinking we could do the apartment thing now?"

Eliza had stuffed 2 Peeps into her mouth. She held up a finger at Alex. "Yum! Also, do you mean we should start house searching or - "

"Actually, I found a house, not an apartment, but if we save up enough, maybe we could buy it?"

Eliza chuckled. "We're married, remember? My money is yours. And I have tons of money. Do whatever you want, I'm super dead!"

Alex watched as Eliza put another Peep into her mouth. "You will be if you continue eating like that. Remember the baby?"

Eliza paled. "Shoot, right." She sadly put the Peeps away. "9 more months... "

Alex laughed, then pulled out his laptop. "See? It may be over our budget, but it has 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, er, a living room, dining room, kitchen, garage, study room, play area, and three random rooms for whatever."

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Piece of cake. I'm a Schuyler, remember? We don't have budgets!"
Alex brought his head closer to hers. "Was. You're a Hamilton now, remember?"

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