Chapter 14: Petite Poisson, nagent/Small Fish, swim

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Eliza's POV

"I don't know, Alex," Eliza seemed more irritated than upset. "I just don't understand why she would think she wasn't lov-"

"ANGELICA,ELIZA I NEED HELP!" Peggy ran into the room and then saw the dried tears on Eliza's face. "What happened?"

"Angelica and Eliza had a bit of a... fight," Alexander explained.

"What? Was this about last night because you guys really overreac - "

"No Peggy, there are some things in life that matter more."

Peggy plopped down next to her sister. "Explain." She commanded simply.

John's POV

John woke up first again, still clinging on to Angie. She was still fast asleep, curled up against him and showed no signs of waking soon. He checked the time. It was five.

Shoot. Missed football practice.

It was worth it. John felt a yawn coming. Might as well go back to sleep.

Angelica's POV

Angelica heard voices outside the dorm which made her eyes fly wide open.

"Let them sleep, Alex, they're tired."

"B-b-but my dorm!"

A third voice chimed in. "Alex, Eliza, let's go to the cafe downstairs. Let them come to us."

Always the level-headed one, their Peggy.

"John? John?" Angie slightly nudged him and his eyes blinked twice.

"What? What's wrong?" John held Angie tighter as if to protect her.

"Nothing. Just... thanks I guess," John relaxed.

"So," John separated himself from Angelica to stretch. "Wanna talk about it yet?"

"How much did you hear?"

"Pretty much all of it,"

"Dang, was I that loud?"

"Louder," John said in a completely serious tone which made Angie smile.

"I guess Eliza genuinely didn't know," she put her empty mug on the coffee table. "Which means I have to apologize first."

"You are older," John reasoned.

"It also seems that Peggy's here," Angie sighed. "I bet Eliza told her everything."

"She has a right to know; she's your sister."

"I know, but it's not like everyone needs to know my life story,"

"Or do they?"

"We should get going to the cafe, that's where everyone will be," Angelica grabbed her purse and pulled John up. "Let's go!"

"If you say so," he smiled back at Angie.

Maria's POV

"Everyone's gone. I have no idea what's happening with Eliza, Angie, Alex, and John, but Peggy and Laf are downtown," Hercules told Maria on the phone, sitting on a bench outside his dorm.

"Peggy got over her fear of downtown?" Maria's laugh was slightly disembodied from the phone.

"Apparently!" Hercules chuckled.

"I heard a lot of yelling, I think from Angie and Eliza, but it stopped, so... well I dunno." Hercules could almost hear Maria rolling her eyes.

"Wanna go somewhere together?" Hercules asked hopefully.

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