Chapter 40: Lady Issues

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Angelica's POV

"John, I know I said Eliza was sick because of the cake, but I'm pretty sure something's off," Angelica whispered to John. They had both just taken the big test, which Angie realized was all from the musical Miranda. She knew all the words from every song, so she was sure she had aced the test.

"Wow Sherlock, real detective skills," John said sarcastically.

They both watched as Eliza crossed the room towards them, laughing fakely as Alex spun her around. Alex had a pained look on his face; even he knew something was wrong.

Eliza flounced over and sat daintily down at the table. She took a huge helping of fruits and healthy lunch items.

"Uh, Eliza, you never eat these," John tilted his head.

"It's for the ba - the back to school vibe. After the wedding, I feel like I should have a totally different life, but maybe if I do things I don't like, I'll get back into the rhythm of school, and you know, because it's boring and stuff!"

"So, everything's cool?" Angelica treaded lightly.

"I just got married! Pshaw, who wouldn't feel like she's on the top of the world when they got married! Did I mention we just got married? Like, yesterday! Recently. There isn't even enough time to start thinking about anything else besides an apartment."

"Okaaaaaay." Angelica said slowly.

"Wait wait, an apartment?" Alex looked at Eliza. "We're not even done with college!"

Eliza's face fell slightly. "But it's not even that big of a step. I mean, after all we've been through, a baby would be a minor disturbance!"

"Hah, sure, but we're not ready for that big a step." Alex seemed uncomfortable.

Eliza suddenly swallowed and stood up. "Well, I need to listen to Miranda, and study for the test, bye, love you guys."

"But we took the test already..." John said, looking at Eliza with concern.

"No, I mean... I wanted to study for the next test!" Eliza corrected herself, becoming flustered.

"It's the end of college, that was one of our last tests!" Angelica got up as well, and placed her hand on Eliza's. "You can tell us anything, you know that, right?"

"I have nothing to say!" Eliza became defensive immediately.

Angelica frowned at her usually calm sister. "Eliza, are you - "

"I'VE GOT TO GO NOW, BYE!" Eliza interrupted her sister and quickly waved at the group before leaving.

"I'm going after her," Angelica said determined.

"Wait." John stopped her. "Maybe we should let her come to us?"

Alex bit his lip. "She's just acting so strange. I thought she was happy we got married for real. If- if she doesn't want this, I'll comply with it. Anything to make her happy." Alex placed his ring on the table.

"Let's not go that far yet," John gave Alex back the ring.

Alex hesitantly nodded, and slipped the ring back on. "I hope you're right, and it's only... well, what could it be?"

Suddenly Peggy darted up, and thrust her phone in front of their faces. "Deleted song from Miranda!" A pregnancy advertisement started playing. "Wait, just let me just skip this."

That's when it clicked for Alex. The morning sickness, the mood swings, the not meeting his eyes. "Uh, I think I figured it out. I got to go, like, right now." Alex picked up his books and sprinted to his dorm.

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