Epilgoue 2: The Private And Intimate Life Of The House

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12 years later

"Theo!" Angie whined. "Hurry up! You are gonna make me late for my first day of freshman year!"

Angelica pushed her short, off-shoulder length hair back and frantically looked through her backpack to check for everything.

"Honey, you'll be fine, my first day of freshman year was a breeze!" Theo pulled herself away from looking at Philip's texts. Her brown hair was tied up in a messy bun.

PipThePip: Theooooooooooo

Theo(dore Nott): Philippppppppp

PipThePip: I'm coming to your house, right now

Theo(dore Nott): I'm at Angie's tho

PipThePip: You mean my house?

Theo(dore Nott): ..... Right

PipThePip: Well I'm coming to Angies room rn

"Theo, stop flirting with my brother and let's goooooooooo!"

Philip walked in right when Angie said that. He smiled at them. "So what's this I hear about flirting?" He already looked like Alex, with his soft, brown hair and brown eyes as he constantly smirked at everyone.

"Pip, I've read your diary, there's no ship that escapes my eye," Angie winked at her mortified brother's face.

Philip spluttered in outrage and embarrassment. "ANGIE! IT WAS LOCKED!"

"MY DAUGHTER TOOK AFTER ME I'M SO HAPPY!" said a voice from downstairs.

"Color me stoked," Alex's voice was heard as well.

"MOM, STOP EMBARRASSING ME!" The siblings chorused.

Theo watched them sadly, putting a lock of hair behind her ear. Her dad, Aaron Burr, had repeatedly told her of her mom's brave sacrifice so that she was alive today. 

But it never made her feel better. How could her mom, who she never knew, sacrifice her life for her? It didn't make sense. And now she was forced to watch as her best friends and their moms.

"Of course, my sister-in-law here is also part of our ever-growing family," Angie rolled her eyes in reference to her three younger siblings.

The Hamiltons were a well-respected family much like Theo's own except, well, there were way more of them. Philip and Angie had three younger brothers, who were 9, 9, and 8. John and William, who were identical brown haired, blue eyed twins, were always screaming and making twenty messes at once. Connor, the youngest Hamilton was a relatively sweet, brownish- reddish haired, brown eyed boy. He was quite the surprise, especially after four other rowdy Hamilton children. Angie would never admit it, but he was her favorite, while Philip usually took the twins' sides in their petty fights.

"I'm so glad Theo's over all the time," Angie sighed, looking over at Theo. "I can't handle so many guys."

Philip smiled. "Me too."

Eliza, their mom, and Angie squealed at the same time. "SHIP!"

Philip sighed. "Let's ditch them, Theo."

Theo glanced at Angie, who was on the floor, eeeing and screaming 'ship'.

"Yeah, let's go."

The Schuyler-Lauren's Household

Angel Schuyler-Laurens was 12 years old, and in 8th grade, but she was already the most mature out of all of them. 

With long, straight black hair, tanned skin and twinkling pepper-black eyes, she always knew how to make people laugh.

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