Chapter 22: Will You Throw Away Your Shot?

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Eliza's POV

Eliza cried softly against Alex's shoulder. 

Alex stood completely still, his eyes not focusing on anything.

Angelica was passed out, after a sedative one kindly nurse had administered.

"How do we tell her?" Eliza whispered, her lips cracking after so many hours of stunned silence.

Alex didn't answer, still staring at the sight.

Angelica cracked open her eyes, squinting at the bright light.

"Morning. Where's John? When's he getting discharged? I need to tell him about the baby that you, Alex thought up of... I mean, it was pretty funny but - "

Eliza started to cry again, as Alex shook his head slowly.

Angelica's smile faded. "What's wrong?"

Alex slowly sat down on a bench, hiding his face in his knees. Eliza clenched her teeth.

"He didn't deserve it, you know. He was the kindest soul I've ever met," Eliza breathed out, through a raspy throat.

"Deserve what?" Angelica's voice rose slightly.

A nurse looked at her sympathetically. "Honey, you're carrying his child, are you not? I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your husband... He is on life support, but there is - well, not to get you down - but there's a slim, almost nonexistent chance he'll survive, just to prepare you. We will be taking him off in a few weeks."

Angelica sank back to her chair slowly, not quite internalizing what the nurse had said

Eliza pulled out her phone shakily.

Group Chat: MyHalf-Brother'sGirlfriend, MyHalf-Brother, TheSmolNonCorruptedGirl, YellowSis, LargeBaguette, HorseGuy Twin1, Twin2, PinkSis, AlexTheCutest, RedSis,

1:17 AM


Twin1: Drunk and passed out on the sidewalk...

Twin2: Duh.

5:43 AM

TheSmolNonCorruptedGirl: I'm worried, they've never been out this long... One of them would've sent a message...

7:43 AM

YellowSis:Have they not gotten back? Maybe you should call the bar?
TheSmolNonCorruptedGirl: We did, the bartender said they'd gotten into a car?
YellowSis: Oh god.

9:59 AM

MyHalf-Brother'sGirlfriend: SHOOT WHERE ARE YOU

MyHalf-Brother: I'm seriously worried.

4:00 PM

MyHalf-Brother'sGirlfriend: Searched around the entire complex where the bar was, and the hotel, and everything. I'm reporting this to the police if this doesn't get cleared up in another 2 hours.


MyHalf-Brother'sGirlfriend: ELIZAS ONLINE! WHERE HAVE U BEEN?

TheSmolNonCorruptedGirl: Uhhh, France?

MyHalf-Brother'sGirlfriend: Don't start quoting Lin Manuel-Miranda on us!

You: I'm sorry.

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