Chapter 36: How To Ditch A Wedding 101

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Angelica screamed almost as loud as Eliza.

"WHAT'S WRONG WHO ROBBED US WHO LIVED WHO DIED?!" John walked past Angie and his jaw dropped. "That's not good. That's reeeaally not good."




"WHY IS EVERYONE SCRE-" Peggy had come into the room. "Oh no. Oh no no no, Eliza did not just ditch her own wedding."

"WHAT DO WE DO?!" Angelica started to pace around the room.

"Split up, you guys search the campus, me and Laf will take the courtyard, and I'll send Hercules and Maria to the outskirts of town." Peggy was always the prepared one.

"Okay, but maybe you should dress first?" Angelica asked.

Peggy yelped when she noticed that she was wearing her bright yellow pajamas with ducks on them in front of John and Angie. 

"Uh, yeah, you too." Peggy ran back into her dorm and started yelling at Maria to wake up.

"Okay, I'll change in the bathroom, you can use the dorm." Before John could fully grasp her words, Angie had already taken the bathroom.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"Love you, too!"


Eliza's POV

"This is, by far, the best idea you've ever had!" Eliza squealed, sneaking into the venue for the wedding.

Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and proposing to me was also a good idea," Eliza added, blushing.

Alex laughed and picked Eliza up. "A toast to the bride!" He called, grabbing a plate and lifting the cover over the cake up. He put Eliza down right next to the cake. "Let's go."

"YUM!" Eliza whispered, grabbing a knife and cutting out a big slice for herself.

Alex smiled. "Thank god you're not like the other girls who would freak out if they ate a minuscule speck of cake!"

Eliza shrugged. "A girl has to have some luxuries."

"I'm so glad I'm getting married to you," Alex kissed her.

Eliza grinned. "If Angie was here, she'd freak out about this being a promise marriage not the real one."

Alex shuddered. "I get scared of that one sometimes."

"Speaking of which, should we call her and tell her where we are?" Eliza asked, her mouth full with cake.

They both looked at each other, then at the cake. "Nah."


Angelica ran around the campus, her phone lying cold in the hoodie she had stolen from John.

"It's cold, and I'm sure Eliza and Alex can take care of themselves," John tried to reassure Angie.

Angie glared determinedly at the ground. "I will not let my sister miss her wedding!" 

She shoved her hands in her pockets and trudged forward.

John stared at her retreating form. "You look adorable in my hoodie."

Angelica half sighed, half scoffed. "Of course, what every girl wants to be called by her boyfr - "

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