Chapter 16: Everyone Ships It

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"YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSPORT?!" Angie half shrieked, half wailed to a meek Eliza.

"Well, I mean, I had other things to do and things to pack," Eliza murmured to her sister.

"Angie, chill," John put a hand on her shoulder and Angelica visibly relaxed.

"Also, I knew this would happen, so I got hers for her," Alex piped up.

"OHMIGOD I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!" Eliza tackled Alex into a kiss as Angie and John looked out the airport windows.

"It's been awhile since I've been on a plane," Angie sighed.

"I've never been on one," John said blankly.

"WHAT?!" Half the airport turned to look at the two. "I, uh, but seriously? How'd you get here?"

"I drove," He replied nonchalantly.

"You drove?" Angie scoffed. "Old-school much?"

John smiled. "Well, I'm a fan of the classics."

Angelica laughed.

"Now boarding Flight 51," said the loudspeaker.

"THAT'S US!" Eliza exclaimed and hurriedly picked up her bags. "Let's go!"


John's POV

John sat on the tiny plane. It was him and Angie next to each other with Alex and Eliza across from them. The plane was so small, there were only two seats in each set. John fastened his seatbelt and took a deep breath. He let Angelica have the window seat and saw that Alex did the same for Eliza. Alexander was already half asleep when Eliza nudged him.

"We're taking off!" she whispered excitedly.

"Mhm," Alex was about to close his eyes again when the plane lurched forward. John took a shaky breath and pressed his eyes tightly together.

"Hey," he opened his eyes slightly to see Angelica staring at him. "First flight jitters, huh?"

"Yeah," even his voice was shaking. Angelica grasped his hand.

"We'll make it," Angelica grinned.



Angelica's POV

Angelica looked out the window of the plane. Her three companions were fast asleep and John was still clutching on to her hand. She smiled at his sleeping face. He almost looked peaceful. More peaceful than when college started.

"Angie!" whisper hissed Alexander from a few seats over. "You awake?"

"Now I am," Angelica leaned over to see Alex's face.

"So, what's up?" Alex looked almost concerned.


"Well, the fact that John is holding your hand is a bit suspicious,"

Angie looked at her hand and tried to mask her blush. "It's his first plane trip!"

"What? No way, he's been on others, right?"

"Seems like you don't know your best friend that well," Angelica leaned back against her seat, leaving a confused Alexander wondering what else did Angie know that he didn't about his best friend?


John's POV

John grinned as he saw the house. It had been a while since he had been here.
He rang the doorbell, his luggage heavy with presents. With Angelica supplying the money for the plane, he had more than enough for presents.

The door opened, and a girl, about their age, maybe younger, looked out, her features lifting with joy. 

"JOHN!" She grabbed John and hugged him.

Angelica looked at the scene with pursed lips.

"Angie, meet Aurora, my sister," John tried to stifle a laugh as he saw Angelica's expression shift.

"Nice to meet you, Aurora," Angelica extended her hand.

Instead of taking her hand, Aurora hugged her. 

"Oh!" Angelica awkwardly patted her back.

"His girlfriend!" Aurora grinned. 

Both Angelica and John opened their mouth to protest.

"John doesn't know any nice girls, so he doesn't date, so, I'm really glad he finally found a girl! And a really pretty, sweet one too!" Aurora ranted.

John smiled. "She's beautiful and sweet, you're right. But not mine," He pushed a baffled Aurora out of the way, and walked in.

"JAKE! JAMES!" Aurora screamed.

Two boys tumbled down the stairs, their eyes lighting up at the sight of John.

"JACKY!" John was tackled by his brothers as Angelica laughed at the sight.

"They always like this?"

"Yup," Aurora's face fell almost comically. "You got any?"

"Blessed with two younger sisters,"

"Ah, you got it easy."

John turned back to Aurora. "Where's Audrey?"

Aurora's face darkened.

"Rora?" John's smile faded.

"She's with him," Aurora looked disappointed in herself.

John's face paled and his entire body slacked as he leaned against the wall. Angelica caught him in the nick of time.

"Woah there," Angelica took a seat next to him. "What's wrong? Bad boyfriend?"

"More like drunk dad," James whispered.

Angie flinched.

"How could you let him take her?" John talked in a lower tone.

"He didn't give us a choice," Aurora said shakily.

John's neck snapped up. "Did he hurt you?"

Jake hesitated. "We tried but Audrey texts us every night, and she says she's fine,"

"She says he's too drunk most of the time to notice her and they're coming back today," James piped up.

"They were downtown taking care of the company," Aurora said.

John closed his eyes a second before answering. "Today? When?"

"Late, most probably," Jake replied. "You should get some rest before then."

"Angelica, you can take the guest bed, in John's room," Aurora winked. Always the matchmaker, his sister.

"Sure," Angelica heaved John up. "Let's go." She gently led him up the steps to the room.

"When did Jacky get a girlfriend?" James asked.

"Apparently they're not dating," Aurora shrugged.

Jake scoffed. "Just like when he said he wasn't into Alex," All three laughed at Jake's joke.

Angelica took John to a green room.

"How'd you know?" John asked weakly.

"I doubt your siblings share the same love for turtles as you," John let out a wavering laugh.

"There's some books by the windowsill," Angie walked over to see the book Common Sense by Thomas Paine.

"You have my favorite book?" John was long asleep by then. He could sleep through an entire day, that one.

Angie smiled slightly as she leafed through the pages. She didn't see John smiling under his covers at the little gift that he left for Angelica.

Ooooh, double update! Double update next week too! 

Hope ya enjoyed!

- Angie/'Liza

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