Chapter 21: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

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Eliza's POV

After a restless night of the four pretending to sleep but no one actually even remotely getting any rest, Eliza decided to question Angelica. She poked her sister who groaned and opened her eyes.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened or...?" Eliza trailed off.

"He saved my life, pushed me out of the way," Angelica said bleakly.

"Oh," Eliza said. "Oh."

"Not the time," Angelica gave her sister a look.

"Okay, okay, but, like, what happened last night?"

"I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Angie, you might feel better..."

Angelica sighed, her eyes forming tears. "We were talking to each other about... uh, and a car was speeding towards me. John pushed me out of the way. Saved my life. Like I said."

"And when we came? You seemed... off," Eliza prodded further.

"That's not important," Angelica seemed to shut her sister out.

"It seemed pretty important," Eliza's eyes narrowed.

"Just drop it, okay?" Angelica snapped.

Eliza looked angry now. "You do this all the time! You don't tell me things!"

"It's not my secret to share!"

"Well, now it concerns all of us!"

"Elizabeth, you are making a scene!"

Eliza quieted. "I just wish... you know what? Nevermind."

"Don't be like that,"

"Like what? Shut you out? How's it feel?"

"What happened to us?" Angelica's voice was heavy with regret."We were so tiny, happy and shiny, then we got bigger."

"That was the trigger," sighed Eliza.

Angelica's POV

"Hey, hey, hey," Alex whispered from across the room.

The sisters turned their heads simultaneously. "What?"

"Let's go see John," Alex stood up before Angelica caught his hand and pulled him down.

"That's not how hospitals work, Alexander,"

"But we should be able to see him!"

"Family members only,"

"Wait, Angie, how'd you get in?" Angelica blushed a deep shade of red.

"I, uh, kinda, uh, kindasortatoldthemIwashiswifesotheywouldletmein," Eliza spit out her water while Alex just stared.

"You sound like Mr. Hansen when you talk that fast," Aaron pointed out. Angelica flinched at that memory.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait and you two still aren't dating?!" Eliza was genuinely shocked.

"Can I like borrow your rings as proof? Or else I can't go in," Angelica begged her sister.

"And we can pass ourselves off as his brother and sister-in-law!" Alex exclaimed.

"Uh," Angelica looked Alex up and down.

"Adopted, of course," Angelica took the rings.

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

The trio headed to the desk. "Can we see my, er, husband?"

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