Chapter 13: Daddy Told Me Not To Have Relationships...?

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Eliza's POV

"So," Eliza grabbed her dorm keys as Angelica waited outside. "What happened last night? You forget your keys?"

"What?" Angelica looked distracted. "Uh, yeah."

"And why did John take you to his dorm? You coulda called,"

"And ruin your perfect date night?" Angelica added sarcastically. "No thanks."

"You already did that," Eliza's voice slowly rose. "So, instead of telling your sister, you go to some random guy's dorm?!"

"Oh so, your boyfriend's best friend is some kind of nobody now?"

"I was worried! What if you were kidnapped or something?"

"You really don't know me if you think I'm that weak,"

"So then tell me, Angelica, who are you, cuz you sure as heck aren't acting like my older sister right now!"

Angelica slammed their dorm room door. "Yeah, maybe I'm not a perfect sister, or a perfect role model and I'll never be able replace Mom!"

Eliza's voice dropped. "You know that's not what I meant,"

"Yeah? Well, I think that's exactly what you meant," Angelica looked furious. "You think I'm supposed to be the responsible one, like her? News flash, I'm not!"

Eliza looked as if she was on the verge of tears. "Don't talk about her like that!"

Angelica scoffed. "You were always her favorite, Mommy's little princess."

"Don't say that! She loved all three of us equally!"

"Just like Peggy is Dad's favorite!"

"Angie, don't go there please."

Angelica's voice steadily rose. "Where does that leave me, huh? Can you answer that, Elizabeth?"

"Angelica, you are making a scene," Eliza seemed tired, which only made Angelica angrier.

"Look me in the eye, Elizabeth!" Eliza was still unlocking the door again. "LOOK AT ME!"

Eliza opened the door. "Go inside, Angelica, please."

"I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you? Am I not being a good enough sister for you?"

"Not here Angelica, please," Eliza took her sister's hand. Angelica pulled it away. "Please."

"You are embarrassed of me," Angelica's voice lowered before rising again. "I don't care who hears! That my own sisters are embarrassed of me! That my parents are embarrassed of me! That my friends are embarrassed of me!" Angelica's voice cracked at the last line which made Eliza look up.

"Oh my God, Angie, I'm sorry I-" Eliza was interrupted by John coming out of his dorm and leading Angelica away.

John's POV

John was practically asleep when he heard faint yelling through the door.

Alex had his headphones on for some homework so he couldn't hear the obvious yells of his girlfriend and her sister.

John turned over in his sheets. The were probably arguing about how to repay Eliza for ruining her date. John was about to close his eyes again when he heard Angelica say "I'll never be able replace Mom!" His eyes snapped open. More arguing. 

Then "You were always her favorite..." John was awake now. Eliza's voice had dropped and he could now only hear Angie. 

"Just like Peggy is Dad's favorite!" He knew it. There was more behind Angelica's depression then she let on. John's heart twisted. 

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