Chapter 18: Schuyler, Schuyler, Schu - well - Hamilton, Wait, Schuyler?

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"Present-time!" Audrey sang, grabbing one randomly. 

"From Aurora to - "

"Wait! I gotta get Angel!" John bolted off and came back with the turtle.

"YOU HAVE A TURTLE?" His siblings gasped.

"Angie got it for being a good drin- " He glanced at Audrey. "A good friend."

"Or more than friends," Jake muttered.

"Aurora to John," Audrey completed, throwing the present to John.

He glanced at Aurora, who was smirking, and took it out, expecting it to be a book on "How to Get A Girl," or whatever. 

Instead, an entire deluxe turtle bed fell out of the wrapping. 

"Wha - how - you knew?" John asked.

"Nope, I just thought it would be a good joke," Aurora laughed, then grabbed Angel and put her on it.

"Well, it worked out better, thank you Rora!"

After a few more presents, a homemade spa set from Audrey to Angie , a teddy bear from Alex to John ("We give each other teddy bears each year."), and a pretty scarf from Eliza to Aurora, another neatly wrapped present was presented.

"From John, to Angelica," Audrey read, her entire face lit with joy. "They are so getting married!" She whispered to Jake, who ruffled her hair, then nodded. "Probably."

Angelica unwrapped it slowly, not sure why her hands were shaking. 

Out of the wrapping came a beautiful charm bracelet with a small charm of a turtle on it. Angel was engraved in it in even tinier letters.

"I thought - like - maybe, every Christmas, I could add another one, something that resembles our relationship, or I dunno, whatever you - " John was cut off by Angelica hugging him hard.

"I love it," Angelica whispered, her voice slightly choked with emotion.

"AWWW!" Eliza nearly screamed, along with Aurora.

"We are going to be very good friends," Eliza winked at Aurora, who grinned knowingly.

"Two Cupids," Alex shook his head, smiling.

After a lot more presents, only one, tiny parcel was left.

"From Alex to Eliza," Audrey read off the last one, squishing the present. Her eyes nearly fell out of her head, then she handed it carefully to Eliza, not throwing it like everything else.

Alex watched nervously as Eliza undid the wrapping.

Nestled in the wrapping was a ring on a chain.

Angelica gasped. "No -"

John clapped his hand over her mouth. "Wait."

Alex kind of got down on one knee and stammered, blushing awkwardly the whole time.

Eliza had already interrupted his speech. "YES YES YES!"

Alex's eyes widened. "Uh, yeah. It's a promise ring? So you'll marry me after college, so Angie and Peggy won't kill me... "


"Oh boy." John and Angie just sat there, not moving.

"Oh, I'll kill him either way," Angelica whispered to John

"My best friend's getting married?" John just shook his head.

"MY SISTER'S GETTING MARRIED?!" Angelica half whispered half yelled.

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