Chapter 10: Close Your Mouth, I know I'm Beautiful

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Eliza went first, obviously.

"Yoooo, boys!" She laughed at Alex's expression. 

Eliza grabbed his hand.

"I'm beautiful, Alex, don't be surprised," she said, matter-of-factly.

Alex nodded, still looking starstruck.

"I'M NEXT!" Peggy exclaimed.

Lafayette blushed bright red, even though Peggy hadn't even come out yet.

Peggy ran full speed outside, then tripped.

Laf quickly caught her before she hit the ground.

"Hi," Peggy said, breathlessly.

Everyone else awwed at them, even John.

"Me?" Maria asked nervously.

She opened the door, and came out gracefully, blushing a little.

"Wow, you look beautiful" said Herc bluntly.

Maria blushed even more.

"Alright, alright, that's what I'm talking about! Now everyone, give it up for my sister, Angie!" Eliza called.

"I think I'll just stay here," Angelica's muffled voice came through the door.

The sisters and Maria all started booing.

John came to the door. "Angie, you don't have to go on this 'date' if you don't want to," he told her gently.

"Really?" Angie seemed hopeful.

"Of course." John smiled even though she couldn't see him.

"Awwwww," Eliza said, clasping her hands together.

"Dang it! 'Liza you ruined the moment!" Maria scolded.

Eliza pouted.

Everyone could almost hear Angelica rolling her eyes.

"Okay, I'll come, mostly because I don't want you to have to be all dressed up and then have me ditch you," Angelica sighed. "I'm coming out."

Although hers was the least dramatic entry, it brought everyone to a pause.

John seemed at loss for words. Hercules winked at her.

Go kiss him, Alex mouthed.

Angelica punched him. No words required.

Laf tried in vain to close John's gaping mouth.

"You look stupide! You're embarrassing yourself," he muttered.

"Great! Close your mouth John! Come on everyone! Endroit de cuisine chic awaits us!" Eliza grinned.

Lafayette frowned. "That means fancy food place, did you know that?"

Peggy laughed. "Guess they ran out of titles and decided to call it something in another language."

"As far as I know, it serves Indian food, so, uh, a French name is rather... yeah," Alex told them.

Angelica shook her head. "Let's just go!"
Everyone piled into separate cars. Angelica and John got one to themselves.

"John, you okay?" Angelica asked, realizing he hadn't said a word after she had made her entrance.

"Oh god, it's the dress, isn't it?" Angelica started to check the dress frantically. "It's too revealing, right? Or is it just really ugly? You're right, pink doesn't look good on me, omigod, I really shouldn't have decided - "

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