Chapter 44: Your Hotness, Eliza: Making Things Worse Since 1757!

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Angelica's POV

Angelica finished putting on her dress. The real graduation was already over and they all had their diplomas.

 While it was super boring to watch everyone in their graduation uniforms walk up and get the paper, Angelica had withstood it. 

Now it was time for the after party.

 Her hair was down, flowing freely, and she had the lightest amount of makeup on. Her dress was... sleeveless. 

And she had chosen it. 

She couldn't wait for John to see it. How far they had come. From the lovesick kids they were to the even more lovesick couple. 

Now, the after party would be the true test of the night. Every time they got drunk, something went terribly wrong.

"Angie, you done?" John was growing ever the more impatient.

"One second." Angelica came out, making her big entrance.

John and Angie stared at each other for a good twenty seconds before breaking into huge smiles.


"That's all I get?" Angelica teased.

"No, you deserve the world and more," John replied. "Also, don't I get a compliment?"

"Not today!"

"Awwwww!" Eliza came out behind them with Alex in tow.

"Get married already!" Herc called.

"But remember to wait till marriage!" Maria added as both couples blushed hard.

"Oui, but où est Peggy?" Laf looked slightly out of it, his eyes darting around furiously.

"She said she'd be here soon." Angelica looked at her phone.

"I'm here!"

And then Peggy made her entrance.

Eliza gasped slightly.

Peggy, the sweet, innocent little sister, in a shockingly short dress.

Peggy, who tried to wear bows with everything, in a no shoulder, tiny dress.

Peggy, who never wore makeup ("It makes you look weird sometimes!"), wearing perfectly applied, heavy makeup.

And the final blow; Peggy, who wore yellow, always and forever, wearing purple.

"You look nice, Peggy!" John awkwardly tried to defuse the tension, even though he disliked her new look as much as everyone else. But he had always had a soft spot for the girl he considered his younger sister, and he didn't want to make her feel awkward.

Peggy self-consciously tugged down her dress until she remembered everyone was watching. "I wanted a change," she replied.

Even her voice, which used to be bubbly and bright, had been changed to a deeper, flirty voice.


Laf smiled at Peggy, though everyone could see his eyes crinkling in confusion. "Violette, mon ami?"

Peggy smiled flirtatiously at Laf. "I needed a change - yellow was too... childish."

Eliza stepped forward. "OKAY, WHAT IS GOI - "

Alex grabbed her hand. "What is going on with the lack of Peeps in this room, right? Yup, 'Liza, let's get some more! Yum, Peeps! Those high in sugar, great, Peeps!" He dragged a fuming Eliza out of the room.

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