Introducing The Future

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A/N: Welcome to the sequel to Just A Little Glorybringer For Ya! This chapter basically introduces you to all the new characters in this book and who they are. Please keep in mind that Mudwings usually have a lot of dragonets, like Cattail had at least 7, for instance, so it's really not that many if you consider the tribe. But that doesn't make any sense right now, so LET THE SEQUEL BEGIN!!!

Up in the mountains of the Sky Kingdom, there was a cave, just at the bottom of one of the mountains. In this cave, lived a small family. Two parents, and their dragonet. But tonight, this very minute, another dragonet was about to hatch. 

Nightflyer paced nervously, his eyebrows furrowed. All those years, and not one of his visions had ever mentioned this. This seemed like something worth noting, if you asked him. Air quickly rushed out of the cave they called home, her eyes flicking over to the reason for their hidden panic. A small black and red egg sat on the ground, a thick crack running through it. This didn't seem like something worth fearing over, except that this egg wasn't supposed to hatch today. It wasn't supposed to hatch for another two weeks. Air wrung her talons as she eyed the egg. "I finally got Ember to sleep," she commented, referring to their three-year old son. Nightflyer nodded. "Good. It wouldn't be good if he was here and..." he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Air nodded. They both knew it, but the words lay unspoken. If the dragonet inside the unhatched egg lives. Neither of them had heard of a dragonet hatching two weeks early and living. Rainkeeper and Pear's first child hatched a day early, and he died not three minutes later. Air was terrified. She didn't want to lose her dragonet. Nightflyer wasn't as worried, but he still was. He knew that the dragonet inside this egg was a girl, the tiny dragonet from his visions, the one that had haunted him since he was four. He had denied the vision for years, but after Ember hatched he knew it was true. His dragonets would be in danger someday. And he had no idea how to help them. Air gasped slightly and grabbed his arm as another crack appeared in the egg. They stared at it as it rocked slightly before opening. A teeny-tiny black dragonet crawled out with a squeak. Her eyes were wide as she took everything in. "Oh," Air breathed, a smile slowly creeping onto her face. Nightflyer grinned. The small dragonet was tiny and terrified, but he knew that she would live. Air bent down and scooped her up, the dragonet squeaking happily. "What should we call her?" Air asked. She had named Ember, so it was only fair that Nightflyer got to name the small hybrid in Air's arms. Nightflyer grinned as a name came to him. He offered one of his talons to the girl and she grabbed on eagerly. "What about Hopeseeker?" he suggested. Air smiled. "Little Hopeseeker." she repeated, kissing the dragonet's forehead. "Perfect." 

In the Rainforest, home to the Nightwings and Rainwings, a hybrid and a Seawing walked together, one of them anxious, the other one angry, and yet, both of them feared slightly for the same dragonets. 

 "This is absolutely ridiculous." Joy announced. Kelp sighed. "I know, but it has to be done." he insisted. Red poured into Joy's scales. "Why does Coral even care about our dragonets? It's not like she cares about you." she questioned. "Apparently it has finally occurred to Queen Coral that since Tsunami is my mother, I have royal, animus holding blood, which means that one of our dragonets could potentially be an animus." Kelp explained. Joy growled. "So she's coming here just to see if she can manipulate and use our children. Wonderful. And of course it doesn't matter that the dragonets are also part Rainwing and part Nightwing too. Is she testing Seashell's daughter as well, or just us?" she demanded. "Hey, I'm just as upset about this as you are," Kelp insisted. "I don't want her anywhere near them, especially Meander. But we can't exactly say no to the queen of the Seawings, now can we." he reasoned. "No," Joy admitted with a sigh. "But we can say no to the queen of the rainwings." 

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