The Relationship Tour

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Dusk was reading a scroll in the library when he noticed two dragons standing over him.

"Hello Dusk," Permafrost announced. "Are you busy?"

"Not particularly." He admitted, eyeing the girls strangely.


"Walk with us." Rin declared, grabbing him by arm and out of the library.

"Um, what's this about?" Dusk questioned as Rin and Permafrost walked beside him.

"As gossip Queens of the school, it is out duty to pair everyone up in a relationship." Permafrost explained. "And it has come to our attention that you are still single." Dusk raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, One- that's creepy. Two- You can't force a relationship on somebody. Three- There are tons of single dragons i this school, yourself included, Permafrost. maybe you should focus on a relationship of your own before you two set me up with someone." She shrugged.

"Most of the dragons here thing I'm too crazy to date. The rest hate Icewings. And besides, it's much more fun to watch relationships bloom than to be in one." 

"I completely agree." Rin insisted. "That's why I'm not dating anyone." Dusk and Permafrost stopped, staring at Rin with a confused expression. ".....What?" 

"I thought you were dating Parrot." Permafrost explained.

"So did I." Dusk agreed. 

"And so does my entire winglet."

"And your siblings." Rin's eyes widened.

"What?! I'm not- that's ridi- I'd never- Parrot and I are just friends!" The others gave her a look.

"Sure honey," Permafrost said sassily. "And so are Shore and Orange. Likely story."

"No, that's true," Dusk countered. "Shore and Orange are friends." He lowered his voice. "With benefits." he muttered, causing Permafrost to burst out laughing.

"ANYWAYS!" Rin announced. "Can we get back to finding Dusk a girlfriend?"

"Or a boyfriend." Permafrost added. "Whichever you would prefer."

"Girlfriend." Dusk insisted. "Although I don't want either."

"Too bad!" 

"Whose even dating in this school?" The girls stared at him with a pitiful expression.

"....Relationship tour?" Rin questioned. Permafrost nodded.

"Relationship tour." 

Without another word, they led Dusk down the halls of the school.

"First stop on our list!" Rin declared, pointed down the hall at Haze and Boysen.

"Haysen, I think we decided on?" Permafrost explained. "Anyway, that's Haze and Boysen-"

"I know. I've met them."

"Shush! They are my favorite and completely adorable and polar opposites, but it works."

Next they came to the art cave, peering in at a laughing Apple and Ember.

"Next is Emple." Permafrost whispered. "Ember and Apple."

"The one ship that I am dying for parents to find out about." Rin admitted. "It'll be priceless. But until then, they are cute and one of my top favorites."

"Isn't Ember a little old for Apple?" Dusk questioned.

"They're only like two years apart!" 

"That's nothing!" Permafrost exclaimed. "If Remus and Nymph can be thirteen years apart, then this can totally happen."

"My grandparents were six years apart and no one minded." Rin added. "And besides, isn't there a bit of an age gap between YOUR parents?" 

"Okay okay," Dusk insisted. "I get it! What's next?"

Next they arrived at the Music cave, where Shore and Orange were talking over the piano.

"Then, there's the fan-favorite." Rin declared. "Shorange. Orange and Shore."

"Notice how we give you their names based on whose more dominant in the relationship." Permafrost explained. "Haze and Orange are badass, so their names come first."

"I see," Dusk offered. "No comment on this relationship?"

"Dude, come on. Even you approve of this one."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"....Nothing! Next!"

They stopped again at a cave near the back of the school. Ander and Manta-Ray sat inside, playing some weird hand clap game that didn't appear to make any sense.

"Our newest ship," Rin sighed. "Rayander. Or is it AnderRay?"

"Not sure. Either way, it's Meander and Manta-Ray." Permafrost explained. "The quirky couple we all love."

"I still can't believe Ander was able to find someone who accepts her so quickly." Rin admitted. "Maybe it was just the dragons in the rainforest that were judgmental."

"No, that's all on Pyrrhia." Dusk offered. "She just happened to find one of the good ones."

"I swear though, if he hurts her..." Rin growled protectively.

"It'll be fine. And besides, doesn't Meander have a history of attacking dragons?"

"....True. Okay, who's left?"

The trio wandered through the halls until Permafrost spotted the dragon she'd been looking for. Parrot stood at the end of the hallway, talking to a pale Nightwing she didn't know. Permafrost grinned and shoved Rin towards the boys.

"Hey Rin!" Parrot greeted her with a smile. Rin grinned at him, quickly shooting a glare towards Permafrost.

"And this is Marrot." She explained. "Mandarin and Parrot."

"That is the first time I've ever heard someone use Rin's full name." Dusk admitted.

"And probably the last time." Permafrost's eyes wandered over to the dragon Parrot had been talking to. He was a Nightwing, but something seemed....different about him. 

And she had no idea who he was, which made things even stranger. Permafrost knew everyone.

"Dusk," she began. "Do you know who that Nightwing is?"

"Yea," he replied. "That's Stardust. He just started here this year."

"Stardust," she repeated, watching the Nightwing. "...What an interesting name."

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