Ander- Attack!

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Ander was in the forest, sitting calmly among the trees, when she heard footsteps approach. The stars screeched and she sniffed the air, wrinkling her snout. 

The air smelt of tainted sky. 

"Hey Ander," a familiar voice greeted her. "What're doing?" She opened her eyes to see Stardust standing before her. Stardust, the son of a saved dragon. Stardust, the animus.

She hated animuses. 

"Casting a shield of protection from wicked stars that curse you." she replied, standing up. 

"Okay," he said awkwardly, trying to understand her madness. Ander picked up a branch from the ground and pointed it at him.

"You need to be cleansed from the demon star that has attached itself from your soul."

"Uh......Alright?" Stardust agreed in confusion. She's probably just gonna say some weird ritual, he figured.

He was wrong.

"Stella daemonium mori!!!!!!!!!!" Ander yelled, before lunging at Stardust with a scream and hitting him with the branch.


Later that day....

Shore, Ander, and Apple walked along the Rainwing village, chatting until someone called out to them. A pretty green dragon smiled and waved at Shore. He grinned as she started to come closer.

"Who's that?" Apple asked, frowning at the dragon that was smiling at Shore.

"That's Juniper." He explained. "She's my girlfriend,"

"Your WHAT!" Apple exploded. "What about-"

"Let me at her!" Ander demanded, rushing forward as Juniper reached them. Ander surged with fury. Shore didn't belong with this taint- he belonged with his soulmate. She lunged forward and Shore and Apple quickly grabbed her. Juniper made the stupid mistake of coming closer.

"Uh, hi" she said awkwardly.

"DEATH!" Ander shouted at her. "DEATH TO YOU, DEATH TO YOUR FACE, SIT TIBI ANIMA TUA ET CORPORE LANIATO, IN INFERNIS CONTABESCENT IN FORAMINIBUS LUPI MULTANTES VINDICE!!!!!!" She drew a talon across her throat and hissed. Juniper stepped back.

"Is she crazy or something?" Shore looked shocked.

"She's not crazy!" He insisted.

"I ejus sepulcrum cum voluptate tua exultant lusibus!" Ander growled. Juniper raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, are you sure about that? Cause she looks like a psycho." she countered. Shore stared at her, and Ander calmed enough that he let go of her and crossed his arms.

"My sister is not a psycho, nor is she crazy. And I don't like dragons who think she is." He snarled protectively. 

"What are you saying?" Juniper demanded. Shore glanced at Ander and Apple again before looking back at her.

"I'm saying that I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"But you're my boyfriend!"

"Not anymore." He announced, taking Ander's hand. "C'mon Ander-gander. Let's go."

"Mother would've called her a big ugly walrus anyway." Ander declared. Apple nodded in agreement, stuck her tongue out at Juniper, and skipped away with her cousins. 

Later that day......

Joy had a stern look on her face as her dragonets sat down for dinner. Shore instantly cowered beneath it, knowing that someone was about to get chewed up and spat out. 

"I talked to Moon today," she remarked, focusing on Ander. Her daughter looked over, a dreamy look on her face as always. Joy's eyes narrowed slightly at her. "Did you beat Stardust up with a tree branch?" Rin snorted and started to cough, muffling Shore's laughter. 

"Yes." Ander admitted, showing no sign of guilt. "I offered to cleanse him of the demon star that is latched to his soul, and he agreed. But, I'm afraid I was unsuccessful. Perhaps a rock will work better next time."

"Ander," Joy sighed. "There isn't going to be a next time. You can't just beat dragons up, whether you are 'cleansing them' or not. Understood?" Ander clasped her hands and looked innocent.

"Yes Bwana, every word you spoke is entirely comprehended."  

A/N: I'm giving you a latin translation for once. This is for the part with Juniper. First she says, I hope your soul will be ripped to shreds by vicious wolves and that you rot in hell. The she declares: I will dance on your grave with pleasure. Sorry this part was so short!

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