Hybrid Fight

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"Alright!" Ray announced, slamming into the cave that Orange had locked everyone in. "Which one of you filthy maggots attacked my girlfriend?!" Shore, Ember, Dusk, Apple, Permafrost, Rin, Haze, Boysen, Stardust, Anaconda, Cypress, and Orange followed in behind him.

"Oh, she's your girlfriend now?" Haze teased. "You two work fast."

"You're one to talk." Rin shot back. "How long have you been dating Boysen?" Haze's face went red.

"We're not dating!" she yelled.

"Nearly a year, thanks for asking." Boysen offered. Rin grinned triumphantly as Haze scowled.

"What's this about?" One of the Nightwing students questioned.

"Some dragons in this room beat up my little sister." Shore declared. "None of you are leaving until those dragons come clean and reveal themselves." He glared intensely at everyone in the room.

"Judging by your weird scale coloring, I assume you're a hybrid?" A Mudwing piped up. Anaconda glanced over and froze at the sight of his brother.

"Yes, I am."

"Well, then it was probably your freaky little sister I clawed up earlier." Wade grinned. The group tensed and Rin growled with rage. Permafrost and Dusk grabbed ahold on her, just in case she lost control.

"Care to tell us who your accomplishes were?" Shore questioned. Wade eyed the group surrounding Shore, counting them.

"Judging by your extensive group of hybrid and hybrid lovers, I don't think I have to tell you anything." Wade smiled wickedly. "You'll just have to figure it out after we beat the crap out of you." 

Before Shore and the others could respond, some of the Mudwings, Nightwings, and nearly all of the Icewings lunged towards the group. 

One of the Icewings rushed at Boysen, clawing him across the face. Boysen let out a cry as he was shoved to the ground. 

"You BITCH!" Haze swore at the Icewing, tackling her to the floor. "You messed with the wrong damn dragon!" 


Ray screeched in rage and launched himself at Wade, but the bigger Mudwing tossed him aside.

"Weakling," he teased. "Just like your girlfriend." 

"Hey Douchebag!" Cypress yelled at him. Wade turned, only to be blasted in the face with fire. "That's for ripping up my freaking letter!" She and Ray teamed up, attacking the prince.


Another Icewing had Apple pinned, his talons wrapping around her throat. 

"I don't want to hurt you," he insisted. "You're not even a hybrid." 

"Guess again." Apple spat at him. The Icewing frowned, but then talons wrapped around his face from behind, clawing at his eyes as he was ripped away from Apple and thrown across the room.

"Was he bothering you?" Ember asked innocently. Apple grinned at him quickly before her eyes widened. 

"Look out!" she called over to Rin, just as a Nightwing tackled the princess to the ground.

"You!" The Nightwing snarled, his dark face seething with rage. "It's all your family's fault my parents are in jail!" 

"Well if they're anything like you, it's easy to see why!" Rin shot back, clawing at the dragon's face and wriggling away from him. 

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE." The Nightwing snapped. Rin smirked.

"Sure thing." she insisted. The Nightwing screamed in fury, slamming Rin against the wall.

"My name is Darkheart. And I will make your family suffer." he said dangerously. Rin eyed him cautiously before he was punched off of her.

"You looked like you needed a hand." Shore commented, as Orange tossed a Mudwing over her, landing the unfortunate dragon on top of Darkheart.


"Filthy hybrid!" A Mudwing shouted, punching at Stardust. 

"Hey!" Permafrost called, tapping the dragon on the shoulder. He turned, and Permafrost punched him in the face, dropping him to the ground. She held out a talon to Stardust. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," he admitted, staring at her in wonder.

The fight raged on, until finally the door to the cave was opened, and a familiar figure stood in the doorway.

"WHAT is going on in here?!" Tsunami exploded. 

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