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After her meeting with the Dragonets of Destiny, Joy wandered the halls of JMA, smiling at old memories and searching for three rebellious dragonets.

"MADRE!" A familiar voice screeched. Joy grinned at the sight of Ander. She had missed her quirky daughter.

"Hey Ander!" she replied, pulling her youngest dragonet in for a hug. A Seawing dragonet stood slightly away from them, watching Ander.

"Oh!" Ander exclaimed, rushing over and practically dragging the dragonet towards Joy. She smiled widely, bouncing on her feet. Joy watched on in surprise. She had never seen Ander like this before. "This is Ray," Meander began. "He's my blue-eyed guardian angel and has the most gorgeous tenor I have ever heard."

"Why is that always how you introduce me?" Ray asked, smiling at her. "Hi," he offered to Joy.

"Hello," she replied, eyeing the dragonet cautiously. He seemed harmless enough, and Ander seemed happy to be around him.... Joy could work with this.

"Isn't he pretty?" Ander added dreamily. Joy bit back a laugh as Ray's eyes widened and he blushed.

"Maybe he's a dragon you shouldn't let your father find out about." Joy hinted. She was fine with Ander getting close to other dragons, but if Kelp found out Ander had a crush...... Ray wouldn't last too long. 

"Have you reacquainted with Shore and Rin yet?"  

"Not yet. I haven't found them."

"Rin's in our weapon cave, I think." Ander trailed off.

"This place has a weapons cave now? About time." Joy commented. Ray paled slightly.

"We, uh, just put together." he explained. "The teachers don't know. The hybrids of the school and some others- we're all in this group to hurt the hybrid attackers before they attack- wait what?" He paused, confused at his own words.

"Star got your tongue?" Ander guessed.

"I can't talk today." He agreed. 

"How about you just show me your 'weapon's cave'" Joy suggested. Ray nodded and he and Ander led Joy down the hall.

"THE FEMALE KILLING MASTER IS HERE!" Ander declared as she waltzed into the room.

"Since when is that my title?" Joy asked.

"Mother!" Rin shouted, rushing over to hug her. 

"At last, the infamous Joy." Haze proclaimed. "Got time to teach some fighting tactics? Rin's a horrible teacher and everyone refuses to take lessons from me."

"That's because your only method is of teaching is to shout 'WATCH AND LEARN' and then beat the crap out of someone." Crimson explained. "I would teach you guys, but I'm kind of running this whole thing so..."

"And that's another thing!" Haze declared. "Who put you in charge?"


"And what gave him that authority?!"

"The engraved chakram around his neck? The fact that he's making out with Apple? I don't know."

"WOAH, BACK UP." Joy demanded. "Apple is dating Ember?!" The look on her face was priceless.

"Yes. This was a minor detail I assumed you were informed of." Ander supplied. Joy burst out laughing.

"That. Is. PERFECT." she announced. "Rainkeeper is going to LOSE his shit."

"NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!" Everyone in the room exploded.


"Don't tell Rainkeeper." Rin begged.

"But it would be hilarious!"

"THE SHIP IS ENDANGERED!!!!" Permafrost screeched, grabbing the giant stick from the floor. 

"Frost, calm yourself." Stardust suggested. "Nothing is going to break Emple up." Permafrost sighed in relief, dropping the stick.

"....THAT ship, on the other hand," Rin added, pointed at Permafrost and Stardust. "You can blab about all you want." Joy smiled evilly.

"Moon will love to hear about it." Joy agreed, her grin widening. "I'm sure Winter and Qibli will be delighted as well." 

"Qibli, definitely." Ander offered. "Winter, in the other dimension, not so much."

"Our mom's an evil genius." Rin sighed happily. 

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