Hello From The Other Side.....

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"Holy shit." Rin swore. "That worked?"

"It does work unfortunately well." Deathbringer insisted, his voiced strained as he thought back to his memories of this particular animus touched object.

"Hello," Apple greeted the ghostly figure of Whiteout. "I'm Apple. This is my cousin Rin, and our grandfather Deathbringer. We think you might be able to help us." 

"I say you in the prison." Whiteout whispered, nodding at Rin. "You're here about Meander, the sibyl."

"Yes! Yes, exactly. She said you might know how to help her." Whiteout frowned sadly at them.

"Alas, that is not quite what was intended." She explained. "I am here to help you."

"What?" Rin said in confusion. "No. We don't need help- my sister needs it. We have to help her."

"That is far beyond your ability as a living being." Whiteout objected. "Although I can explain the current situation-"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SITUATION!" Rin yelled. "I care about getting my sister to wake up!"

"Rin, calm down."Deathbringer instructed. He glanced at Whiteout. "Go on."

"Meander, along with the rest of the augurs, are in lockdown. We have been mentally forced into an unbreakable prison. At a time of insanity like this, it is no wonder. The rage of the stars voices would overpower Meander and those like her. They would die if released from their cells."

"What do you mean a time like this?" Deathbringer questioned. 

"You don't know?" Whiteout asked in shock. "Surely Meander must've mentioned it. This is not something that goes without notice."

"I never heard anything." Apple insisted. She turned to Rin, who frowned. 

"She did have this one fit a few days ago," Rin admitted. "She just kept repeating this one phrase in Latin, over and over again. I didn't think to translate it." Whiteout sighed.

"Fine. Apparently not all dragons are as intellectually intelligent as Meander." She offered. "The stars, as you call them, are in the middle of a war. With all their energy being devoted to this cause, the thought of their energy overwhelming the prophets escaped them. But one of them must of heard your sister's cry for help when the noise became too much. It was then that they forced all of us into the prison. I'm not affected because I'm not alive, but every other sibyl in the world is in a similar comatose state, and they will remain so for the rest of the war."

"So, there's nothing we can do to wake Ander up?" Deathbringer clarified.

"The only way to awake her immediately is to remove her prophetic ability so that she is no longer a messenger of the stars. That, however, is impossible."

"Impossible, or just highly unlikely?" Rin questioned. "This is a need to know."

"Impossible, unless you want to kill her." Whiteout deadpanned. "The stars have woven their magic into her very brain. If you were to remove it, it would stop all the necessary functions you need to live."

"Gross." Apple announced.

"How long until the war is over?" Deathbringer asked. "If she'll wake up when it ends, then we just have to know when that is."

"It's hard to say." Whiteout admitted.

"Well, what are they fighting over?"

"It's very complicated, so I'll try to tone it down to your comprehension level. Animus dragons are considered cursed because their power is a fallen star that attached onto their soul. When the dragon they're attached to dies, the star splits away from the dragon's soul and is essentially arrested by the other stars and thrown into a prison forever. But now the prison has been broken, and all the fallen stars are rebelling and trying to take over. Thus the war. She sighed. "And somewhere among the fighting are the two stars that corrupted my brother and father. The two that tore my family to shreds." She shook her head. "What a waste."

"This was completely pointless." Rin declared, furious. "All of this, and there's nothing we can do to help Ander." 

"You can help her by letting her know you are awaiting her return." Whiteout suggested. "By explaining the situation to your parents so that they know she is safe and will wake up sooner rather than later. The list goes on, I assure you, but I do not have the time to recite it all." Her figure paled. "I've been away for too long..." 

She faded away and Rin glared at the emerald.

"Stupid magic." She grumbled. "Stupid stars and their stupid war. Wish I could just go up there and punch them in their stupid faces."

"Grumbling won't get you anywhere." Deathbringer advised. Rin tilted her head.

"Remember when I asked for your opinion?" she questioned. "Yea. Me neither." 

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