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True to his word, Six-Claws made sure that Orange and Dawn were brought to the Stronghold, and Kindle came with them to make sure they were all alright and that they hadn't inhaled too much smoke.

Shore paced a room in the Stronghold, waiting nervously, until the door swung open, and Orange stepped in. He stopped to stare at her.

"Orange," he whispered in relief.

"Shore!" She yelled in return, bolting over and hugging him. Shore immediately wrapped his arms around her, both of them eternally grateful that the other was okay.

"I was afraid you went back into the Headquarters to find me," he admitted.

"I wanted to," She explained. "Kindle forced me to stay outside." She shook her head. "I thought you were dead for a little while."

"So did I." Shore sighed, relieved, and kissed her.

"No more adventures for a while, okay?" Orange proclaimed.



In addition to bringing Orange and Dawn back, Six-Claws also had a messenger sent to Coal, informing him of what had gone down. The scarred Sandwing raced to the Stronghold immediately, stopping before the room Kindle had left Dawn in.

"She's fine physically," Kindle explained. "But mentally is another story." Coal nodded, remembering his own time with the Sting. He could only imagine what Dawn had gone through. 

But he still entered the room, and paused at the sight of Dawn's tear-stained face, noting the bandage wrapped around one of her wrists and the traumatized look in her eyes.

"Dawn," He offered gently, not quite knowing what to say.

"It's over." She replied, her voice hoarse. "The Sting is dead. Dead and burned to the ground."

"I know." Dawn glanced up at him.

"I wanted to take them down. I wanted them to suffer, but I never...." She trailed off, her gaze distant. 

"You didn't expect things to go down the way they did."

"I didn't want them to die." She shook her head. "No, I.... I did. I wanted them dead until I met some of them."  Her gaze dropped down to her talons, which were coated in ash and dried blood. 

"It's okay, Dawn." Coal insisted. "It's over."

"I killed him." She whispered. "He trusted me. He trusted me with everything. And I betrayed him. I killed him."

"He was evil." 

"He was. And yet...." Dawn shook her head. "I thought he could've changed. I know I was wrong, but..." Fresh tears started to fall down her face. "I can't close my eyes without seeing the look on his face."

"It will get easier." Coal declared, sitting next to her. "It'll hurt now, but one day you'll be able to put this all behind you." Dawn picked at the bandage on her wrist.

"I hope so." Coal frowned at the bandage.

"What happened there?" He asked, taking her talons.

"I did it." She whispered. "It had to be done." Coal narrowed his eyes and carefully unwrapped the bandage. There was a long, vicious cut sliced into Dawn's wrist, tearing through the scorpion brand. 

The mark of a traitor.

Coal stared at it, full realization hitting him. 

It was all over. The Sting was finally gone. They would never hurt him, or Dawn, or Firefly, or Dusk, or anyone else ever again. 

Dawn had done it. Dawn. She had gone into the place he feared most, and she had burnt it down. 

He rewrapped the bandage, tears brewing in his eyes, and then hugged Dawn, the two of the silently crying.

"What happens now?" Dawn asked shakily.

"What do you want to happen?" Coal questioned. She hugged him tighter, still afraid.

"Dad, I want to go home." she whispered.


"What comes next for you two?" Kindle asked. Shore and Orange exchanged a glance.

"Honestly, Kindle?" Shore sighed. "I just want to go back to the Rainforest." Orange nodded.

"Let's go home." She agreed.

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