Spiraling Out Of Control

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It should be over quickly, Dawn told herself. The plan she had made with Thorn was foolproof, and as Dawn snuck out of her room in the Headquarters that night, she was confident it would work.

Quietly, Dawn left the building, and boarded up all the windows from outside the Headquarters. All the windows were locked from the inside already, but this way, no member inside could get out during the confrontation. The only way in or out was the tunnel that Thorn's team of Sandwings was going through. 

Dawn had left the hatch to the tunnel open, and her nerves grew slightly as Armadillo, Qibli, and six other Sandwings entered. she nodded at them and went back to her room, so that she wouldn't look suspicious when all hell broke loose.

And as soon as Thorn's team grabbed their first Sting member, everything spiraled out of control.

Somebody screamed and an alarm sounded. The Sting launched from their beds, ready to kill anyone who dared to invade them.

Dawn bolted out of her room, looking worried and confused, only to have Drought run right at her.

"What's happening?" she asked, faking her concern.

"We're under attack!" Drought explained. "Go back to your room and stay there."

"No!" She yelled. "I'll help you fight!"

"I an't risk you getting arrested or killed!" Drought shot back.

"I'm a member of this gang too, and I will not barracade myself somewhere until everything is safe again."

"Well too bad, cause that's what's happening." Drought shoved her into her room, and Dawn lunged for the door, but she was too slow. Drought slammed it shut, and locked it.

"Drought!" Dawn cried, real worry seeping into her voice. This had not been apart of the plan. "Drought please!"

"I'm sorry, Dawn." He told her, his voice muffled through the thick door. "But I can't risk losing you."

I was never yours to lose, Dawn insisted in her head. She banged on the door, but Drought had already fled down the hallway, leaving her. 

Thorn's team and the Sting fought brutally against each other, but the members of the gang were startled, and sleep still coated some of their eyes. Thorn's team was winning. 

But just when things seemed at their worst for the gang, it stooped to a new level.

"What's going on?" Drought demanded.

"It's Thorn and her allies!" One of his members explained. "They snuck in through the tunnel and they've barricaded the exits so we can't escape!" The Sandwing looked rueful as he bowed his head. "It's over, Drought. We've finally lost."

"It's not over til I say it is." Drought growled. "Thorn wants to take us down? Fine. But let's see if she's willing to let her soldiers die with us."

Without another word, Drought snatched an unlit torch from the wall and set it ablaze.

"Drought-" The Sandwing pleaded. 

"I'm not dying without bringing somebody down with me." The leader of the Sting snapped. He ran across the Headquarters to the hatch of the tunnel, glared at Thorn's team, and dropped the flaming torch he'd been holding.

And he set the only exit left on fire, trapping them all inside as the flames slowly started to spread to the Headquarters, ready to burn them all.

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