Conducting Pianos

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Three Months Later......

Joy grinned, still surprised that everything was so peaceful again.

 Snowfall and Coral had properly ended the war and the Hybrid Hunt had been permanently ended. The Colors of the Wings had disbanded until they were needed again, but many dragons had chosen to remain in the mountain, including Cinder and Crimson. Ember, Hope, Air, and Nightflyer had gone home, and so had all the dragons from the Stronghold. Rainkeeper and Pear had officially made up, and were back to normal, and so were Firefly and Coal. Everything was as it should be. 

Kelp snuck up behind Joy and wrapped an arm around her waist. 

"Whatcha doing?" he asked. She smiled at him.

"Just thinking."


"Everything." Kelp smirked.

"Everything, huh?" she shoved at him playfully.

"Stop it." He grinned and kissed her. 


Now that the war was over and everything was normal again, Shore found something new to do with his time.

There was a hut, near the center of the village, that was filled with instruments. Stands, sheet music, instructions, reeds, everything you could possibly need. Anyone that needed an instrument or wanted to learn one came in. The hut was owned by a rainwing named Tempo. He was an older dragon, but he was happy to teach dragonets and anyone, really, how to play an instrument and read music. He wore glasses, and his scales were duller than most. He was one of Shore's favorite dragons in the entire world. Tempo was the one who taught him how to play the piano.

In the back room of the hut was a piano. It was shiny and just hitting one key could give Shore goosebumps. He had known how to read music since before he could read scrolls. He loved it, and the piano was by far his favorite. Tempo had taken a liking to him and had insisted that he could use the back room any time he liked. It almost seemed to good to be true, except that it wasn't. The back room became like a second home to him, the piano like family, and Tempo like an old wise Grandpa that Shore would never have, seeing as his grandfathers were Deathbringer and Riptide.

"There you are!" Orange exclaimed. Shore jolted out of his own world, quickly jotted down a couple notes on a piece of paper, and looked up at her. 

"What?" he asked. Orange rolled her eyes.

"I've been looking all over for you. Although in hindsight, this probably should've been my first stop." He grinned.

"Yea. I'm pretty much always here, with you, or at home." 

"I know." She walked over and looked at the pages of music he had scribbled down. Shore was always writing some piece, but he'd never let her hear any of it. She tilted her head, trying to read the title. "What are you working on?"

"NOTHING!" She had just caught sight of an O when Shore grabbed the papers, opened the hatch under the piano bench, shoved them in, and sat down. He held the bench, as if the pages would fly out if he didn't keep them pinned down. Orange eyed him suspiciously. 

"One day I really want to hear you play something." she declared. He smiled.

"You will." he promised. "One day, when I write something that doesn't suck."

"How would you know if it sucks if you never let anyone hear it?" Shore paused.



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