The Mini Army

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The one thing that hadn't occurred to the mini version of the Colors of the Wings was to inform the Dragonets of Destiny. So, the teachers of JMA had no idea what was going on.

....And were very confused when ten hybrids, Joy, and some weird dragons that no one knew appeared at the school. 

But, after their own crazy lives, and living through their children being at this school, they decided it would be better not to know what the hell was going on.

Ignorance was bliss, Starflight declared, and the rest of them agreed.

These new dragons, combined with Shore, Ember, and the rest of their gang that really needs a title, searched the surrounding area of JMA for any clue as to where Strongwings and the others were hiding out. After a few days without any luck, Joy stumbled upon a small cave that smelt of death, and had blood lining the entrance. 


That brings us to now, when everyone was gathered in the forest below the cave, preparing to ambush it.

"So..." Shore began, trying to make conversation in the tense silence. Ember, Apple, Crimson, Whisp, Fox, and the ten dragons Feather had sent them were gathered on one side, sharpening spears and silently preparing for a miniature war. Shore admired their way of instantly knowing how to prepare and everyone's role in that.

Joy was surrounded by the dragonets who had no idea how to fight, giving them a brief lesson in fighting and defense.

The rest of the group was circled around a small fire, swapping stories and trying to keep spirits up. Shore didn't think anyone was going to die- heck, it was a small army against four scary dragons and Juniper. They'd be fine. But not everyone shared that opinion. 

And then there was the last group. 

There were about six dragons that no one knew that had just... shown up, ready to fight. Ander was sitting with them and chatting as if they were all old friends. Except...they were only speaking in Latin.

Shore wasn't sure how to address that group, and didn't think it wold be wise to. 

"Who's got dibs on who?" Joy asked. 

"What?" Crimson questioned, snapping her and the rest of Feather's recrutments out of their trance.

"There's nine dragons. Surely somebody got a bone they'd like to pick?" Joy insisted.

"Juniper's mine." Orange announced, sharpening her claws. "I'd like to have a word with her. One that ends with a lovely little scar on her face." Joy smiled.

"Three moons," she sighed contently. "I cannot wait until you become my daughter in law." 

"MOTHER!" Shore exploded, his face bright red with embarrassment.

"Shore and Orange, flying in the sky," Permafrost began, the rest of his friends and Joy joining in immediately.

"Getting all K-I-S-S-Y!"

"SHUTUP!!!" Shore yelled.

"You just have to get used to the taunting." Orange explained. 

"Es amore..." Ander began singing, the rest of the strange dragons joining in behind her. "No amistad, pero amore...."  Everyone else stopped to stare at them.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Rin demanded.

"My fellow astronomers," Ander offered. "I did say I'd call in a garrison."

"And after her performance in the great sky war, how could we not come?"One of them asked, earning even more strange looks. 

"Okaaay," Joy said awkwardly. "Anybody else got dibs?"

"I'll take Darkheart." Rin announced. "He hates me anyway." Joy nodded.

"Pineapple is mine." She declared. "I know how she fights, and she's not afraid to kill you guys. Let me handle her. Got it?"

"Sir yes sir!" Someone yelled out. Joy glared, immediately finding the dragonet that had spoken. "I mean...." they trailed off.

"Yes Miss scary dragon, we'll do as you say." Permafrost suggested.

"That's better." Joy insisted. "Now let's go take down some jerks." 

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