Where Are You?

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Orange dropped Dawn onto the sandy ground and collapsed beside her, thankful for the smoke free air that filled her lungs. Orange turned, and froze. Where was Shore? Her eyes searched all around, but she didn't see any sign of the hybrid prince.

He must still be inside, she realized. Still in danger of the fire. 

She jumped to her feet, intent on rushing back in, but talons grabbed her shoulder. 

"Orange!" Kindle's worried voice cried out. "You are NOT going back in there."

"But Shore-" she started, but Kindle's grip held firm.



"If you go in, and he comes out, it'll only cause more trouble. You're staying here. I'm not letting you die in there."

"But you're just going to let him die?! He's far more important then I am! It's nothing if I die, but him-"

"Your life is the most important thing to that dragonet." Kindle offered harshly. "If you go in there, chances are you won't come back out. And if he does and you don't, it'll kill him. You're staying right here."

Orange's eyes filled with tears, but Kindle held onto her, refusing to let the Rainwing move.


Inside the Headquarters, Shore had found six of Thorn's soldiers. Qibli was the only conscious one, but he helped Shore pick out the others and drag their unconscious forms to the tunnel. It was closer then the window, and safer to get to.

Shore jumped down into the tunnel, fire stinging his scales as he went through the flames. But at the bottom of the tunnel, underneath.... It was calm. Fire free, and safe. 

"The tunnel's untouched!" He called up, silently thanking the moons and all of Ander's precious stars as Qibli sent down the other Sandwings before climbing down himself.

As soon as Qibli was in the tunnel, Shore darted past him and started to climb back up, but Qibli grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing?" He demanded. "We have to get out of here!"

"I have to make sure Orange and Dawn got out!" Shore objected. "And what about the others? You said there were two more Sandwings!"

"They're dead!" Qibli explained. "And we'll be too if we don't leave soon."

"I'm not leaving without knowing that Orange is safe!" 

"You have too!"

"No!" Shore snarled. He had almost lost Orange once already. He couldn't risk losing her again. He knew there was a good chance that she had gotten out, but since he hadn't gotten out with her... The Orange he knew would jump right back in to save him. He had to make sure she was outside. Outside and safe.

"We have to go." Qibli ordered, grabbing Shore and tugging him down the tunnel.

"NO!" Shore screamed, fighting. But Qibli was stronger, and he forced Shore down the hallway until they reached the other end, and emerged in Thorn's Stronghold, only to find more soldiers waiting.

"What happened?" Six-Claw's demanded as Qibli coughed.

"The Headquarters caught fire." He explained. "The rest of them are unconscious in the tunnel, if not dead. Everything else is on fire. It all went to hell." Some of the soldiers ducked down into the tunnel, racing to grab the unconscious dragons.

"What's he doing here?" Six-Claws questioned, nodding at Shore, whose face was being stained with tears. 

"Orange and I went in to find Dawn." He offered weakly. "I left them to help others. I don't know if they got out."

"Send a messenger to the Scorpion Den to find them." Six-Claws ordered another soldier. He nodded and darted out of the room.

"We'll find out what happened to them." Six-Claws declared, looking worriedly at Shore.  "I swear it."

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