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Ten Years Later....

A huge crowd of dragons filled the Rainwing Village, all of them whispering and slightly nervous and excited.

It was a very big day for the Rainwing and Nightwing tribes, and hundreds of dragons had shown up, including several dragons from other tribes.

Shore stood on a platform with most of the other royalty, his sisters and Orange at his side. He and Orange had, in fact, ended up getting married the day after Sunny's wedding. They had been married ten years, and and had three dragonets to show for it. 

But speaking of those dragonets, Shore didn't know where they had ended up. A frustrated screech shot through the air, and he corrected himself. 

Rosella, their oldest and only daughter, was currently winning a fight against Haze and Boysen's son, Parch. Rosella took after her mother, after all. She never lost a fight. 

As for Shore and Orange's sons, Shore assumed that they were hiding somewhere, waiting for a prank to go off. Teal and Mako had definitely gotten the wicked side of the family.

Unlike Shore's unruly dragonets, Ander's children were on the platform, waiting for the main event to begin. She and Ray had gotten married not long after they'd graduated school, and they had a son called Pax and a daughter named Aria. Aria, to their delight, could also speak to the stars, but she was more normal to be around then Ander was. Pax knew the languages of the stars, but he couldn't hear them. He didn't seem to mind though.

Rin honestly had no idea where her husband and son were, and she thought it'd be better if she didn't wonder about it. Wren and Parrot were not a good mix, and she assumed the two had teamed up with Shore's sons for some sort of mischief.

Apple also stood on the platform, although the rest of her family was amongst the audience, talking to friends. Her and Ember had a daughter called Prism, and although she was shy dragonet, she got along quite well with Permafrost's daughters.

Permafrost had moved to the rainforest immediately after leaving JMA and she claimed that she'd never go back to the Ice Kingdom. She and Stardust had eloped shortly after, and had two daughters named Wisteria and Aurora.

Anaconda had left his family in the Mud Kingdom at age eight and had immediately gone to Cypress's home to ask if he could marry her. It had been an instant no from Squelch and her three brothers, but Adobe had given her approval, and the two were married within the week. They had three dragonets, who were running around in the crowd. Morass, or Mora, as they called her, was the eldest and the bigwings, followed by Fawn and Fen, Mora's younger sister and brother.

Dusk had surprised everyone and had ended up marrying Whisp, Boysen and Hope's good friend from the Colors of the Wings. The two had a pair of dragonets called Sage and Russet. Neither of them, thankfully, were suspected to be animuses.

Stream and Willow greatly confused both sets of their parents, and got married. They moved to the Bay of a Thousand Scales, and adopted an abandoned Sandwing dragonet that Willow had found in the Scorpion Den. They named him Thistle, and he was perfectly happy to join the crazy dysfunctional family that his mothers were apart of.

Hope and Fiji, to Ember's dismay and Apple's delight, were engaged, seeing as they were only twelve. The pair would be married in a few weeks, and would live with the Colors of the Wings. Fiji still lacked wings, so he was unable to make the trip for today's event, but Hope had gone to see her family and her old friends.

Dawn hadn't found anyone yet, but she wasn't worried. She was only fourteen, after all. She felt no need to rush into anything and have a lasting relationship. And, as much as she would never admit it to another soul, a tiny part of her heart still stung at the loss of Drought. But the majority of her didn't care, and no matter how much  Permafrost objected, she was happy living the single life.

All the dragons in the crowd looked up and quieted as four figures emerged from one of the rainforest huts.

Glory stood before them, a flower crown resting on her head. Deathbringer stood beside her, with a matching crown that he had deemed fabulous enough for him to be seen with.

Joy and Kelp stood to the side, awaiting their cues. Joy beamed slightly, her scales a proud, regal blue that matched her mother's. Kelp looked slightly terrified, but he stood tall and smiled at his wife nonetheless.

"Today is the day I pass the torch." Glory announced, the whole crowd watching as she removed the crown from her head. "The sun has set on my reign as Queen, and I happily pass my crown to a new face." She smiled and Joy stepped forward, facing the audience.

"I give you your new leader," Glory declared. "Queen Joy of the Rainwings and Nightwings." The set the crown on Joy's head and the hybrid grinned wider as the crowd started to cheer. 

"And as her first act as Queen," Glory continued as Deathbringer took off his crown and handed it to Joy. "She will deem who shall rule beside her."

Joy smirked slightly and Kelp took a step, looking very nervous.

"I give you," Joy announced. "Your new king." She set the crown on Kelp's head. "King Kelp of the Rainwings and Nightwings." Kelp smiled and the crowd cheered once more and Glory clapped politely.

"Your new rulers!" Glory finished, and the crowd yelled louder.

"BOW BEFORE YOUR QUEEN." Deathbringer ordered and half the Rainwings dropped to their knees from experience.  Joy rolled her eyes.

"There's no need for that!" She insisted. "Get up." The Rainwings cautiously stood up, and Joy's face changed, as if she just realized how much power she held.

"And now it's gone straight to your head." Kelp whispered to her.

"Oh shut up, King Kelp or I'll revoke your crown." She shot back.

"You wouldn't dare." 

"Oh really?" The crowd started to chat amongst themselves as Joy turned to her husband.

"You know," Kelp insisted, changing the subject. "I've always wanted to kiss a Queen." Joy smirked.

"You're the King, Kelp." she reminded him. "I think you can do a bit more then that."

A/N: THE END!!!! TA-DA!!!!

I am brainstorming as we speak for a third book, and I will get back to you on that ASAP!


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