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A/N: *shrugs* I have no idea what I wrote in the last part of this or why.

  "I've decided to go on a spiritual journey." Ander announced. Not and Kelp exchanged a glance.

"A what?" Shore questioned.

"A spiritual journey in which I cut the strands between myself and civilization and allow my mind to wander out of this universe and into the beyond. I may not return for several days." This raised some eyebrows.

"I'd like to think that most dragons ask before they choose to disappear in the forest for days." Joy hinted.

"Well I am not most dragons, now am I." Ander retorted.

"Ander, you can't just leave." Rin insisted.

"You do all the time and never ask. Why can't I disappear in the night as well?" A look was shot Rin's way and her heart sank. There went her sneaking out. Joy sighed, knowing that her odd daughter wasn't going to give in. Any more protesting would only lead to Latin curses.

"Fine." She proclaimed. "You can go, but you better be back here in two days in pristine condition, understand?"

"My physical state shall remain pristine, but note that while I am visible, I may not be present spiritually in two days time."

"That's fine." Joy turned to Rin. "I believe we need to have a chat, now don't we." Rin paled.


Apple, Orange, Rin, and Shore raced through the village, laughing and sprinting to be the first one to the Nightwing village. Shore glanced behind him to make sure Apple hadn't caught up- and slammed into another dragon. They fell to the ground and Shore let out a yell.

"Sorry!" He exclaimed, picking himself up. A bewildered rainwing, around his age, stood before him. Shore paused, taking her in. She was pretty.

"Next time watch where you're going." She suggested.

"I'm Shore," he offered, holding out a hand. "Truce?" She shook his hand.

"I'm Juniper." She replied. "Why were you running so fast anyway?"

"I'm trying to beat my sisters and friend to the Nightwing village, but I doubt that's gonna happen now."

"Why is that?" She asked, and Shore thought back to all the advice Deathbringer had given him on girls.

"Because I'll be too busy staring at you." He said smoothly.

Up in the trees, Apple gagged in disgust at the sight of Juniper.

"Nope." She announced. "Me no likey. Ew, just no. Stop." She shook her head with a sigh. "Note to self, get rid of this dragon."  

She shivered and headed for the Nightwing Village, where Orange was waiting with Stardust.

"I win!" Orange declared. She paused at the sight of Apple's somber face. "What's wrong?" Apple fell to the ground with a sob.

"My ship- My beautiful, sailing ship." she said desperately. "DESTROYED!" Stardust's eyes widened.

"Which ship?" he urged. "Not Radow."

"Worse." Apple declared, whispering into his ear. Stardust dropped to his knees and look up.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Orange watched on in confusion. "We have to kill her!"

"Woah, wait what? Kill who and why?" Shore asked, walking over. 

"I have no idea. They are freaking out for some reason." Orange offered.

"If you want it to stop, kiss each other!" Apple suggested.


"No thanks."

"Not happening." Apple let out another sob and her face sunk into the grass.

"Why can't the ground be lower?" she mumbled. 

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