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As Glory, Rainkeeper, Deathbringer, and Pear decided what to do next, Shore raced down the halls of JMA until he found Ember.

"Ember!" he yelled, running over to his friend.

"What?" Ember replied, frowning at Shore's panicked face.

"I need help."

"Why? What happened?" Shore glanced around before responding.

"I kissed Orange!" he blurted. "I mean, that shouldn't be that big a deal. I mean, I've kissed-we've- she used to- It's not like it was the first time! But i-iiit was different, you know? Like.... way different. And I've always thought of her as my friend but at the same time something else that's not my friend but now I don't know what to think! Cause like, I've got this feeling and I don't know what it is, but it's annoying and I feel all paranoid now because I don't know if Orange saw the kiss the same way I did or if she thought it meant nothing or if she just thinks of me as a friend or- I JUST HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON ANYMORE!!!" Ember stared at him.

"You're going on a tangent, that's what's happening. And you need to calm down."

"I can't calm down!! My entire world has flipped upside down!" He grabbed Ember by the shoulders and shook him. "I am five years old. WHY THE HELL AM I WORRYING ABOUT WOMEN?!?!" Ember shook him back.


"Shore?" Another voice interrupted. They glanced over to see Sunny watching them. She eyed them curiously before shaking off her thought. "Might I have a word?"

"Uh...." Shore glanced at Ember. "Sure?"

Sunny lead him down the hall, her face solemn.

"As much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I'm afraid I have some for you." she admitted. Shore froze. Bad news? What was wrong? Was everyone alright? Had something happened to Ander or Rin? Or Apple? Were Mother and Dad okay? A thousand possibilities swam through is head.

"Your cousin Apple is missing." Sunny explained. "Kidnapped, from the looks of it." His heart dropped.

"What?" He whispered. "Do they know who took her? Is she okay? What about-"

"I'm afraid that's all I know right now. Glory and Deathbringer are looking into it, and Glory thought you should be informed. If another dragon turns up missing we may keep a closer eye on you just to be safe, alright?" Shore nodded. Sunny frowned. "I'm sorry, Shore." 

"Can I go now?" he asked quietly. She nodded and he quickly walked back down the hall, only to find Ember awaiting with wide eyes. 

"Apple's missing?" he asked worriedly. Shore nodded and Ember's fearful expression grew. "I hope she's okay." Shore frowned, realizing.

"How do you know her?" 

"According to her, I saved her life. According to me, I found her hiding in a tree after she'd been taken by Hybrid hunters in the war." Ember paused. "We were close in the Colors of the Wings- before she went home, that is. I haven't really talked to her since." 

"Apple's strong." Shore declared. "She won't go anywhere without putting up a fair fight."

"Let's just hope that'll be enough." 


Pear paced the floor anxiously, awaiting Rainkeeper's return. As soon as he walked through the door, she stopped. 

"Well?" she asked worriedly. Rainkeeper nodded, a crestfallen look on his face.

"It's true." he confirmed. "They're gone." Pear shivered at the thought.

"That only proves it." she insisted, glancing up at him.  "My parents have taken Apple."

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