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Whether or not Adobe knew Anaconda was staying in their house, no one knew. Maybe she did know, and just didn't care at this point, or she really hadn't noticed. Either way, Anaconda was glad. 

He liked it here with Cypress and her family. The five dragonets took him all over the place for games and spontaneous adventures. They were carefree, and happy. Anaconda hadn't realized that life could be so simple and joyful before. Back in the palace, his life was carefully structured. He was only to speak to certain dragons, and not allowed to wander away, let alone run off for wild excursions and not return for hours. Wade, his older brother, hovered over him constantly, his snout stuck high in the air. Wade was his prison guard, and his punisher if he should ever break the rules. Rudda, Anaconda's younger brother, didn't have to follow nearly as many rules as Anaconda did. Whether this was because he was younger, or because he was basically Wade's sidekick, Connie wasn't sure. Life in the Mudwing Palace was miserable, alright, and they only cared about him when he messed up. 

But here, with Cypress and her family? Everything was completely different. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed this much, or just felt...welcome. Cypress loved having him here, and he was happy to stay. Cypress's younger brothers and sisters adored the Mudwing Prince, and they pestered him with questions. Nile, the bigwings, was a little wary at first, but he grew to like Anaconda.

Everything was great here. So great, that Anaconda considered not returning home at all. He'd be perfectly content to stay with Cypress forever.

But nothing good ever lasts, does it? 

One day, Anaconda received a letter from his brother Wade. How Wade has even known where to find him, he had no clue. But from what the letter said, he knew he would have to return to the Mudwing palace. Not forever, but at least for now, until things died down. Royalty would be watched closely in the coming days, and the last thing the Mudwings needed was some gossip about one of their princes living with a hybrid family.

"I have to go," Anaconda declared. Cypress's face fell, but she understood. She had read the letter."Why?" Egret exclaimed, looking very upset.

"Yes, Why?" Nile agreed. Anaconda sighed.

"Because," he began. "Queen Coral is dead."

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