My Blue-eyed Guardian Angel

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A/N: Part 100 EVERYONE!!!! And I'm on spring break for the next 2 weeks, so I should be updating more often! 

And, in honor of the 100th part, I will be answering a question that many of you have been wondering about....

It was a few weeks into school. Rin, Ander, and Dawn were walking down one of the hallways of JMA, seeing as they didn't have a class.

"Have either of you seen Apple lately?" Rin asked. "It seems like she's never around."

"She's found her amore, Rin. What did you expect?" Ander questioned. "Jade Mountain Academy has more experience in creating lasting relationships than lasting educations."

"And yet our parents still send us here!" Dawn declared.

"Of course they do. How else would w-" Ander stopped dead in the hallway, her eyes widening.

"Ande?" Rin asked.

"Do you hear that?" Ander whispered, her voice barely audible. The other girls frowned.

"I don't hear anything." Dawn admitted.

"That glorious voice...." Ander wandered. "I've heard it before." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Um, okay?" 

"I have to find out where it's coming from. Stars? Stellae? Adiuva me." Rin's frown deepened.

"I thought you were't speaking to the stars anymore." Ander waved away her concern.

"Now that the demons are dead, only friends remain." Suddenly Ander lit up and took off down the hall.

"Ander!" Rin called, but she was already long gone.


Ander bolted down the hallways before slamming to a stop outside of a cave. She stood in the doorway, staring at a dragon inside. His back was to her, and he was singing softly. 

The song made Ander want to melt to the floor; it was beautiful. 

But then the dragon turned, instantly stopping as he caught sight of her. Ander sighed contently, still staring at him.

"Your tenor voice could bloom frostbitten flowers," she said dreamily. 

"Um, thank you?" The dragon questioned warily. Ander frowned as she got a look at his eyes. They looked so familiar.....

"BY THE GREAT SKIES!" she shouted as it clicked in her head. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. 

It was him.

It was her blue-eyed guardian angel.

The one that she had waltzed with.

"...Do I know you?" he asked, eyeing Ander curiously. 

"I know you." she replied, singing slightly. "I waltzed with you one upon a dream..." His eyes widened.

"You're real?" he whispered. "I wasn't sure if...."

"I knew I'd find you." Ander announced. "Your eyes. They made my soul search for you."

"I didn't think you could be more beautiful in real life."

"Nor did I." They stood there for a moment, staring, before he jumped.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "Where did my head go? I'm Manta-Ray."he held out a hand. Ander took it cautiously.

"I'm Meander. Few call me Ander, but you, my singing acquaintance, may call me whatever you please."

"Might I extend that same offer to you?"

"Of course." Manta-Ray smiled.

"I just... I have to ask. Your scales, they're unlike any I have ever seen before. What tribe are you?"

"Half Seawing, Quarter Ran and Night."

"I see. I'm just a Seawing, obviously." Ander tilted her head.

"Strange. I've never heard of a non-Nightwing related dragon being able to interact with such divine beings as the stars."

"What do you mean?"

"The stars. Don't you hear them?" Manta-Ray frowned.

"No." Ander looked confused.

"Well. That is most intriguing." 

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