The Jasper Winglet

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A/N: To understand Ander's chanting, take the song above and translate to Latin.

Ander sat cross-legged in the woods with her eyes closed, surrounded by a light smoke as she traced the air with a lightly burning reed. Frogs and other creatures rested calmly near her as she murmured.

"Amare, studium, sensum, respice in toto corde tuo, mi amice; et erit reditus ad te. De reditu innocentiam. Credere in fata docebo. Tuum sequere viam. Ad criminationibus istis esse." The animals around her bowed as various birds began to caw in a harmony. 

In the tree above Ander, Rin and Apple stared at the scene, looking more confused then they had in their entire lives.

"What the hell?" Apple questioned. 

Meanwhile, at JMA.....

"Are you ready to meet our Winglet?" Orange asked. Shore nodded. 

"Definitely. The only dragon beside you I've even heard of in it is Ember." he explained. 

"Is that who you're sharing a cave with?" 

"Yea. What about you?" 

"I'm with Cypress, but she seems nice." The two of them stepped into a classroom to see Clay and a very dark green dragonet waiting inside. 

"I knew I guessed the right classroom." Clay commented. "Jasper Winglet, right?" They nodded. "Great! Come on in." They sat down ad the other dragonet eyed them warily. Clay placed a bowl of fruit in the middle of the slowly forming circle. "I heard we had a lot of fruit-eaters in this winglet,but I brought meat too if anyone wants it." 

"I should've known that snacks would be one of your top concerns." A new voice called. Shore turned to see Ember grinning in the doorway. 

."Hey Ember," Clay greeted him. "Oh wait." He looked at Shore and the dark green dragonet. "Have you two met yet?" They shook their heads. "Oops." Ember rolled his eyes and sat down between them. 

"Hi Shore," he offered, sticking out a hand. "Long time no see." Shore shook his hand with a smile. 

"It's good to see you again, Ember." he insisted. Ember turned to the dark green dragonet next.

"Hello Ember,"he greeted him. Ember nodded.


"How's Hope?"

"She's good. She keeps nagging my dad to teach her how to write so that she can send you and Whisp letters."

"She still sends Crimson drawings, and, as much as she complains about getting them, it does change the fact that she keeps every one." Ember smiled.

"Hope will be happy to hear that." A few minutes later, three dragonets that Shore didn't know walked in and sat down. 

"And we're all here. Good." Clay commented. "So, now I think we're supposed to go around and say out names, and something about yourself. And, just to make things easier, say who you know already in the winglet and how. Anyone want to start?" No one moved. 

"....Okay, then I'll start." Clay insisted. "I'm Clay, your teacher. Uh....I already know Ember and Cypress because they're my grandchildren, which is weird. And I like food." 

"No, you're pretty much married to food." Cypress corrected. "I'm Cypress. I know Ember because he's my cousin, and Orange because we share a sleeping cave. Um, I have four siblings and am a quarter Skywing."

"I'm Orange," Orange said shyly. "I know Cypress, obviously, and I know Shore because we've been friends like, forever. I actually hate oranges, so don't bother asking if I like them." 

"I'm Shore," Shore announced. "I know Ember because our parents are best friends so we met once, and I know Orange. I'm kind-of a tribrid? I'm half Seawing, a quarter Rainwing, and a quarter Nightwing. I'm also a prince in the rainforest, if that means anything. And I'll probably have some crazy nickname for all of you by the end of the day." 

"I'm Haze," A small sandwing girl said timidly. "I don't know anyone in this winglet." There was a pause. 

"Anything you want to add?" Clay asked. "Some neat fact, your favorite color, anything?" Haze stared at the group.

"My favorite color is green." she added quietly.

"I'm Permafrost!" An Icewing girl declared loudly, causing them to jump at the sudden change in volume. "I don't know anyone either, and I hate the Ice Kingdom!" 

"I'm Boysen." the dark green dragonet explained, his voice shy. Haze eyed him curiously. "I'm a hybrid, Nightwing and Seawing. I know Ember, but it's a really long story to explain why. Uh... I like scrolls, because, unlike dragons, they don't leave you." A silent moment passed.

"Uh, I'm Ember." Ember offered. "I a also a tribrid, or whatever. I'm half Nightwing, a quarter Skywing, and a quarter Mudwing. I know Cypress and Shore for reasons they already stated and I know Boysen because he helped my little sister during the war. I am also a member of the hybrid rebellion group the Colors of the Wings."

"The Colors of the Wings?" Permafrost repeated. "I thought that disbanded when the war ended."  Boysen and Ember shook their heads.

"Far from it." Ember insisted.

"The Colors of the Wings will never end." Boysen declared. "Not while there's at least one member alive."

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