This Part Has 666 Words Hahaha

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A/N: In case you haven't seen it, I posted a hint about the future of this book on the latest chapter of my Covers book, and for those of you who have already theorized about it, no, it has nothing to do with Ander or Ray.

But keep guessing. You might get it. :)

As Shore's family cheered over the death of the Seawing Queen, Haze was happily enjoying her time at the Colors of the Wings Headquarters. 

"Hey, did you hear Queen Coral died?" Boysen asked one day.

"She did?" Haze replied, slightly confused. Boysen shrugged.

"That's what Crimson said."

"Huh. Who's gonna b the new queen?"

"I dunno. It could be Ander for all we know." Haze paused, letting that possibility sink in.

"OH MY MOONS YES." She declared. "That would be awesome!"

"What would be awesome?" Fiji's small voice piped up. The wingless dragonet came running over to them.

"Oh nothing." Haze insisted. "What's up?"

"You've got visitors again, Boysen." Fiji explained. 

"Really?" Boysen questioned. "Who?"

"Some red dragon with our symbol," he held up the engraved chakram. "And another dragonet that looks about my age. She's a Nightwing, I thinks." 

"Ember and his sister?" Haze guessed. 

"Sounds right." Boysen agreed. "Do you know where they are?"

"They were talkin to Whisp, and she was going crazy over the Nightwing dragonet." Fiji offered. "Can I meet them?"

"Of course."

"Why do you want to?" Haze prodded, curious as to the dragonet's reasoning. As predicted, his face went red.

"Well," Fiji lowered his voice. "You CANT tell nobody! Gots it?"

"Got it." Haze replied seriously. Fiji fiddled with his talons.

"Well, the little Nightwing's kinda cute." he mumbled. Haze and Boysen exchanged a glance.

"You're secrets safe with me." Haze promised, smiling smugly. 


"Ember!" a familiar voice called out. Ember turned around and grinned at the sight of Boysen and Haze. A small dragonet trailed behind them, and Ember frowned. He'd never seen this dragonet before. Or a wingless dragon, for that matter.

"Boysen!!" Hope's happy voice screeched out as she barreled into her old friend. 

"Hey Hope!" Boysen greeted her, smiling. He gestured to Haze. "You haven't met Haze yet, have you?"

"Nope! But Ember's told me all I need to know." She insisted, smiling devilishly. "You're Boysen's girlfriend, aren't you?" Boysen's face went red but Haze just rolled her eyes and grinned.

"That seems to be my title around here, yes." She confirmed. "And you're Ember's little sister, the dragonet that gave him a heart attack during the war."


"And this is Fiji," Boysen continued, nudging the dragonet forward.

"Hi," he said shyly.

"Hello!" Hope replied. "I'm Hopeseeker, but everybody calls me Hope. It's nice to meet you." 

"You too." Fiji insisted. Hope frowned.

"What happened to your wings?"

"I don't have any."

"Well I can see that, silly." Hope explained. "But what happened to them?"

"I don't know. I've never had them." Hope studied him for a moment.

"Wait....If you don't have wings, then are you still a dragon, or a are you just a big talking lizard?" 

"...That's a good question. I've never thought of it that way before."

"Well I think it'd be cool to be a talking lizard."

"Yeah, that's be awesome!"

"Then you're a lizard!"


"Can we be friends? I wanna be able to tell Daddy that I'm friends with a talking lizard."

"I don't really have any friends. Just dragons I talk to." Hope gasped and slung her arm around Fiji's shoulders.

"In that case, then we're BEST FRIENDS!" Fiji smiled.

"I'd like that."

"Good because it's already been decided. What do you do for fun?"

The two of them ran off, already laughing like they'd been friends forever. Ember, Boysen and Haze watched them go, and Haze nodded seriously. 

"I ship it already." She announced. 

"What." Ember's head snapped around to stare at her. "No."

"Yea, it's happening."

"Shut your face."

"You can't deny young love Ember, surely Permafrost has taught you that by now."

"No one is allowed to ship my little sister with ANYONE, got it?"

"Say it all you want, Ember, but it won't stop a thing." 

Ember crossed his arms, sulking in defeat. 

"Still don't like it."

"Deal with it, smoke-face. It's HAPPENING."

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