And So It Begins.

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A/N: Thus concludes the Flashbacks. There may be more in the future, but for now we're jumping back to the present. Why? You might ask. Well, let's just say, something big is starting. Something huge. You'll have to read til the end to find out what. 

Apple believed that when Tree-bud hit someone with a fruit, it meant they were important in your life. Just look at her parents! He'd thrown a fruit at her mother, and then her father and boom! Close to twenty years later, they were married and living happily ever after. Maybe it was this silly belief that kept Apple from making friends. Sure, she had Shore, Rin, and Ander, but they were like her siblings. Especially Shore. He declared her and his cousin Stream just as much his sisters as Rin and Ander were. He was very protective of his siblings. But other then them, Apple didn't really have friends. But one day someone met the requirements. On this day, she met her best friend in the entire week world. And his name was,

"Shadow." Apple announced. Pear smiled. It was about time Apple started making some friends.

"Shadow," Rainkeeper repeated.

"Yep! He's a Nightwing," Rainkeeper's eyes narrowed slightly, and Pear bit back a laugh. Apple wasn't even four yet, and already Rainkeeper was playing the role of an overprotective dad. But he didn't need to worry. After getting to know him, Apple realized exactly who Shadow was to end up with. There was a sweet Rainwing dragonet called Rosie, and Apple was completely convinced they were destined for each other. And she would do anything to make it happen. Shadow thought she was a little over obsessed, but he needed all the help he could get.

Meanwhile, as Apple befriended Shadow, and millions of other events took place, one small decision, one little signature, would begin a major event in Pyrrhia. This one choice would have major consequences and hundreds, hundreds of innocent dragons would die.

In The Ice Kingdom....

"Are you sure about this?" Hailstorm asked tentatively. He had to choose his words wisely. Admitting that he disagreed with this plan would get him killed, whereas agreeing would kill him inside.

"I am positive. It's about time we settled this matter once and for all." Queen Snowfall declared, signing the document before her. She handed it to Hailstorm. "I want copies sent out to all of the seven Kingdoms. Make it officially known- The Hybrid Hunt has begun."Just a few days later, dozens of letter were opened. 

Queen Glory read the notice quickly, and then dropped it with a gasp, as if she'd been electrocuted. 

Queen Moorhen gaped in horror, not believing what she was reading. 

Queen Thorn growled and burned the letter moments later, refusing to let this happen.

 Queen Ruby stared in shock, nearly crying at the very thought.

 And Queen Coral? She smiled.

Announcing the Hybrid Hunt

Any dragon who can present the dead body of a hybrid, and/or their parents to Queen Snowfall of the Icewings, or one of her delegates, will be rewarded said hybrids weight in diamond.

This order is effective immediately.

Let the Hybrid Hunt begin. 

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