Stars Explaination

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Apple skipped onto a platform, her friend Shadow right behind her. She stopped in front of her cousin.

"Hi Ander!" she announced, making their presence known. Meander was sitting cross-legged on the platform, her eyes shut as if she was meditating. At the sound of Apple's voice, she eloquently opened an eye to glance at her before shutting it again.

"Greetings, fellow soul searchers." She replied, her voice like water. "What assistance might I offer you today?" 

"Shadow wants to know more about the stars." Apple explained. Ander opened her eyes and tilted her head.

"Is that so? Well don't be cowardice, bring him here." Shadow stepped forward unsurely. Ander motioned for him to sit down. "Sit, sit. Standing might bring you closer to the stars physically, but it distances you mentally." Shadow obliged and Ander quickly grabbed one of his talons, examining and tracing the lines of his palm. "What is your question?" she asked, her eyes slowly unfocusing.

"Well, it just doesn't makes sense to me. Why can you hear the 'stars'? Surely they don't actually talk. What are they really?" He questioned. Ander slapped him.

"That's for your lack of belief." she declared. "Don't you dare disrespect my stars." She took a deep breath before explaining.

"They are stars. If they are indeed something else of the supernatural that I have yet to define, it has yet to cross my intellectual path. I hear them because they chose me. The sky itself chose the Nightwings out of all dragons as their speakers, the visionaries. That is why their powers first originated. Most Nightwings and other dragons define the power as 'seeing the future' or 'reading timelines'. That is the basic understanding."

"But why don't they say that the stars speak to them? And what about mind reading?" Shadow persisted. Another slap.

"Do not interrupt someone when they are trusting you with the secrets of the universe." Ander warned. "I thought that would be obvious, but it is clear that your intelligence level is lower than I had originally presumed." She sighed and continued.

"Nightwings, although known for intellectual greatness, are morons. They are too incompetent to recognize that the lights of the night sky are speaking, so they do not bother to listen. That is why they do not see important things far in advance and why visions come at random times. Those with this gift are the chosen ones of the sky. Nightflyer is among them, although he does not understand the extent of his ability." She paused, letting this sink in. "Mind reading is not a gift from the sky- it is a curse; a disease of the mind. Some stars, just like dragons, turn evil and seek more power than they are given. These stars are cast down from the sky and hatch onto innocent dragons before they hatch. That is why some Nightwing eggs turn silver under the moonlight. The fallen star's power transforms into an evil ability as the star dies. This power, this invasion of the safest place a dragon can know, we call mind-reading. It is a dreadful thing. Thankfully, those that are gifted from the righteous stars and recognize where there power is from are protected. There are walls shielding them from these invaders."

"But what about dragons like Moon, who have both powers?"

"Dragons with both abilities are at a war. The sky noted that the fallen star attacked a dragonet and it gifts the dragon in an attempt to save them. Whether or not they win depends on how the dragon lives their life. Moonwatcher, for example, may still have a cursed mind, but she is saved in the star's minds."


"It appears that the sky looked down and discovered that the perfect prophet for their teachings lay in the unhatched egg of me and my sister. They did not note that we were twins, which is why the power was divided. I received the ability to hear the stars and speak with them, but not to say things in a way that dragons can comprehend. My sister cannot speak nor hear the stars, but she can translate my words into a more understandable manner. If you are still confused on my teachings, ask her. If this makes sense, then your intelligence may be higher than I anticipated."

"Any last words of advice?" Apple asked.

"Do not doubt the stars. They know the universe and how each of us fits into it. They know every moment of your life, down to the second you blink or breath. Follow your path, and don't think you can outsmart them, for every rebellion was already planned." Ander replied. Shadow stared at her in shock.

"Make more sense now?" Apple asked.

"Uh......Sure?" Shadow guessed, wandering away. As he and Apple left the platform, Ander resumed her pose and looked up, her eyes shut.

"Don't worry my dear companions," she whispered. "Your word is law- I am simply a messenger." 

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