Help And Hope

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Haze was still in shock as she stumbled out of Rattlesnake's room, only to be grabbed by Dusk and pulled into a crevice in the wall, a fearful look on his face. IT was then that she slowly came to her senses and figured out what was going on. Members of the gang had them surrounded in the hallway, and Qibli and Coal were frantically fighting them off to the best of their ability. Haze's eyes widened and she lunged forward, only to have Dusk hold her back.

"We have to help them!" She exclaimed.

"I already tried that!" Dusk insisted."It didn't do any good." He held up a blood covered talon and Haze quickly noted the deep claw marks in his side. A lump formed in her throat. She was a doctor's daughter. She knew how assess injuries- and this won didn't look too good.

"Does your dad know you're hurt?" she questioned. He shook his head.

"He heard me scream and forced me in here, with orders to stay put. I've only moved to grab you." Haze quickly ran through her head all the possibilities of things she could do. There was a window in Rattlesnake's room. She knew her mother would help her- she had to. But would it even be worth the risk? The windows were set with traps, and she knew better than to let Dusk fly. It could force open the wound even more and hurt him even worse than he already was. And judging by his paling face, that was already pretty bad.

But what else was there? Help Qibli and Coal fight and risk getting hurt herself? Shout to Coal that Dusk might be dying and hope it didn't distract him so much that he got himself killed? Nothing was a good choice. But what else could they do? No one else knew where they were. Help wasn't coming, and if she did nothing, then eventually Qibli and Coal would be taken down, and Dusk would bleed to death. She dropped to the ground, her face in her talons. What hope did they have?

Elsewhere, in the rainforest....

"Remaining calm under stressful situations is a key part of being a queen." Glory explained. Rin, Apple, and Ander listened intently, although, in the back of Ander's mind, the stars were clawing at her very brain, begging her to listen to them instead. "Now, I'm going to give you a scenario, and you tell me how you would react." Glory continued. Ander frowned. Man, the stars really were going crazy today. Usually they left her be when she asked. "First scenario," Glory began. "Rin, there's been an assassination attempt of you and your subjects are fearful of their safety. How do you address them?" Rin frowned, pondering the scenario for a moment.

"I tell them that there is nothing to worry about and that the assassin has been caught. The guards will protect them and our forest." she tried. Glory grinned.

"Very good. Now, Apple-" Ander didn't hear the other scenario. The anxious buzzing of the stars surrounded her brain, cutting off her senses. Alright fine! She gave in. What is so important? They exploded with noise, relaying panicked words and fearful prayers of hope and help from dragonets that were stuck. The sudden explosion was shocking, even to Ander.

"Alright Adner. The Queen of the Mudwings has been found dead, and you've received a ransom note stating that you are next. How do you react?" There was a momentary pause before Ander started screaming.

Glory, Apple, and Rin jumped and birds from the forest echoed Ander's frantic yells. Rin rushed to her sister's side, a worried look on her face.

"Ander?" she asked. "What is it? What's wrong? What do you need?" she questioned. Ander just kept yelling. She fell to the floor of the platform, clutching her head. Rin knelt by her side, looking slightly scared. "Andi please! Tell me how to help!" Ander stopped screaming, her whole body shaking slightly as she whimpered. Her voice trembled as she murmured.

"Condemno." She gasped, starting to hyperventilate. Rin hugged her tightly, trying not to cry as Ander wailed.

"Who is it? Rin persisted. "Who can help you Ander? Who do I need to find?"

"What does condemno mean?" Apple insisted. Glory looked worried.

"It means doomed." Rin explained before turning back to her sister. "Ander please. What do I need to help you?" Ander shot up suddenly, grabbing Rin's arm. Her eyes were unfocused as she spoke.

"Stardust." she said with a sigh, as if whatever had attacked her suddenly stopped. She calmed slightly as the stars voices quieted. But this was bad. She needed to move quickly. "I need Stardust." She paused as her words sunk in. Apple took off for the Nightwing village. Rin sat with her, awaiting the comment that would let her know that her sister was okay. Ander froze suddenly, the fact that she had asked for Stardust's help sinking in. "DAMMIT!" she yelled.

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