Found Her!

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Shore, Ander, Rin, Parrot, and Dusk reached the village quickly and bolted into the Queen's pavilion. Disoriented from their immediate drop to the ground, they fell over. Except for Ander, who stood accusingly two steps next to them, as if she had been aware they were going to fall. 

"Queen Glory!" Parrot announced. Glory stared at the group in surprise, her eyes narrowing in suspicion at the sight of Shore and Dusk.

"We found her!" Rin continued, picking herself up off the ground. She quickly helping Parrot up, and then the others. 

"Found who?" Glory asked for clarification, wondering why Shore was here and not at school where he was supposed to be.

Oh for moon's sake, she reminded herself. He's Joy's son. I should be more surprised that he stayed at school for this long. 

"Apple!" Shore explained. "We found her and knocked out her kidnappers!" Glory paused.

"Really?" she whispered. They nodded and she turned to the guard next to her. "Find Rainkeeper and bring him here immediately." she ordered. The rainwing bolted from the room. "Is she alright?" Glory questioned. Their faces fell.

"She's hurt." Shore admitted. "We're not sure how bad."

"It didn't look good." Dusk added ruefully. 

"You didn't leave her alone, did you?" 

"Of course not! The others are with her." Shore offered. Glory raised her eyebrows.

"The others?"


A few hours later, the ten dragonets found themselves waiting outside the Healer's hut. Rainkeeper, Pear, Glory, Joy, and Deathbringer were inside, whispering about what to do and how Apple was.

Apple's kidnappers, the kids had figured out, were her own grandparents- Pear's parents. They were still unconscious, but locked up tight. 

"Do you think they'll let us see her soon?" Ember asked hopefully.

"Don't worry. We'll see her." Rin confirmed.

"But what if they healers say no?" Shadow asked.

"I said we'll see her. I never said we'd get permission." Haze smirked and pointed at Rin.

"This dragon is growing on me. I can see us getting along." Rin smirked back.

"And I can see the teachers of JMA screaming at us already."

"Oh, they will." Ander insisted. "They'll scream at all of us sooner or later." 


Before they could say another word, Joy stepped out of the hut, her face emotionless. 

"Is she okay?" Shadow asked.

"She's resting right now, but yes." she replied. They let out a sigh of relief no one remembered holding in. Joy turned her gaze to Shore, who shrunk down. She had barely raised her eyebrows when he shifted to hid behind Orange. "The teachers at JMA were very worried about you." Ember, Dusk, Shore, Orange, and Boysen looked guilty, whereas Haze's face remained indifferent.

"Did they tell anyone we were gone?" she questioned.

"Not to my knowledge."

"Kay." She leaned against the railing of the platform they were on, completely at ease.

"Sorry." Orange offered.

"Please don't tell our parents." Dusk begged. "My mother would kill me."

"Same." Ember insisted.

"Please have mercy." Orange urged.

"I'm in mega trouble, aren't I?" Shore asked.

"Not quite. Mega trouble was when you snuck out to go to  that club." Joy explained. "Although I advise you to lay low for a while."

"Advice taken!" he proclaimed. "No more rules will be broken!"

"Yea, unless making out with Orange is against the rules." Ember commented. Shore hit him.

"You're one to talk." Ander retorted. "Cotidiana oscula vestra pomum."

"Whatever that means, I didn't do it." 

"Suuuuure you didn't, injuriosum retines puerum."

"Quit calling me that!"


That night, as the Rainforest fell asleep, Ember stepped inside the healer's hut. He had to make sure Apple was truly okay, didn't he? She was awake when he reached her.

"You really need to stop saving my life." she commented. "Or at least get into danger more often so I can save you for a change." He smirked.

"I have never saved your life. Last time I just found you, and this time I was with nine other dragons. That doesn't really count." He retorted.

"It's debatable." There was a pause.

"How are you? Really, I mean?"

"I feel like Tree-bud threw a poisonous coconut at my chest. But, other then that, I'm perfectly content." She smiled at him. "Are you going back to JMA tomorrow?" He nodded sadly.

"Yea, the teachers will worry more if we're not." He thought for a moment. "We should write each other more often. I like hearing from you." 

"I'd like that." she agreed, reaching over and grabbing one of his talons. He stared at their entwined hands before glancing back at her shyly.

"I'd like that too." he admitted.


Rainkeeper made his way into the prison, stopping before one of the cells. The dragon inside glared at him.

"What do you want?" Pear's father snarled. Rainkeeper clenched his fists. This dragon had spent years hurting Pear, simply because he could. And now, he had not only come back to hurt her more, but he had hurt Apple too. This dragon had hurt his family, and was simply in jail for it. That didn't seem like a good enough punishment to Rainkeeper.

He quietly unlocked the cell door and opened it. Pear's father raised his eyebrows.

"You're letting me go?" he questioned in surprise. Rainkeeper snorted.

"Letting you go? Oh, no." He shook his head, smiling slightly. But then the smile faded, and his face hardened. "I'm gonna kick your freaking ass." 

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