Fiesta Fever

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A few weeks had passed. Haze and the other dragonets were back to normal, and sadly back at school. Joy had returned to the rainforest, literally dragging Pineapple there by the ear. Fierceteeth and Strongwings had been secured in a prison on the old Nightwing island, and this time there would be no escaping it. Prickle, to Dusk's unease, was nowhere to be found. But Ander assured him that the tattooed Sandwing wouldn't be bothering them again.

Only she, Joy, and Ray knew what Prickle's real fate had been......

And where he was buried.

Everything was officially calm again, and the Dragonets of Destiny sighed with relief, confident that this would be all the insanity they'd have to deal with this year.

As usual, they were wrong.

Shore had gotten word that a giant fiesta was being held in the rainforest to celebrate the capturing of all the escaped prisoners. So, naturally, he told his sisters and Orange.

And his sisters told their boyfriends.

And their boyfriends told their other friends.

And those friends told friends.

And next thing the Dragonets of Destiny knew, the entire school was empty because all the students had flown off in the middle of the night to go to a Rainwing party.

"....We really need better security." Sunny declared.

"No," Tsunami insisted. "We need to stop advertising ourselves as a school."


As the famous five of the group shook their heads, the familiar group of friends, along with the rest of their school, was crashing a party.

Boysen spun Haze around the dance floor, smiling at her.

"Remember when you were quiet?" He teased.

"Remember when you were confident enough to fight in a war?" She shot back, grinning at him.

"WHAT IS THIS!?!??" Ray's voice screeched. He had never experienced a fiesta before, so Ander assumed he was a bit excited......

Or maybe it was the berries one of the shady Nightwing's had slipped him. Ander smiled at him, amused either way.

Somehow in the giant crowd, she managed to find her father. Kelp took one look at her, and decided not to even bother questioning why the entirety of JMA was here.

"Hi Dad!" Ander exclaimed.

"Hey Ander," He smiled at her.

"Do you see that SeaWing over there?" She pointed out a crazy looking dragon that was laughing at nothing.

"Yes," Kelp replied. Ander smiled.

"That's the dragon I'm going to marry." She said plainly before skipping away. Kelp stood frozen, staring at the SeaWing and debating whether or not it was worth murdering him. Kelp, of course, was not the only one staring at someone. Permafrost and Stardust stood next to each other, awkwardly not speaking.

"Oh my moons," Rin groaned at them. "Would the two of you STOP IT."

"What are you talking about?" Permafrost questioned.

"Your awkward whatever this is, is slowly killing every dragon in the room." Rin explained.

"If you are referring to awkward and undefined relationships," Stardust began. "Then it's not us killing everyone- it's you and Parrot." Rin opened her mouth to reply, but grew red in the face and rushed off, flustered. Permafrost snorted.

"So, Frost..." Stardust began. "You said your parents are low ranked Icewings?"

"Yep," she replied.

"So, they're not royalty or anything, right?"

"No they're not. Why do you ask?""Just checking cause there's a 50% percent chance my father is an Icewing Prince."

"Well, whoever they are, they're not related to me."

"Wonderful." There was a pause. "....Can I kiss you?"

"Fuck YES."

After running away from Stardust, Rin found her way to the wall of the room and leaned against it, scowling. A familiar figure slide up next to her with a smile. Rin didn't even glance over, knowing who it was.

"Go away Parrot." She urged.

"Ouch. I am deeply offended by that harsh greeting." He retorted.

"Oh shut up, you love me."

"That I do." He glanced over at her. "But are those feelings returned?" 

"You know I love you," Rin explained. "Now fuck off, I need to plot revenge against Stardust."

"Just tell Ander he enchanted something."

".....Yep. I've chosen the right boyfriend."

"I will not disagree with that."

Joy was walking around, enjoying the party, when she noticed Kelp and Rainkeeper standing frozen, staring at one spot in the room. 

"...What?" She asked them. Without a word, both of them shot out a talon, pointing at the source of their distress. Following Kelp's gaze, Joy saw Ray rambling to Ander as she laughed. Rainkeeper was focused on Apple, who was dancing with Ember, the two of them occasionally sharing a kiss. Joy smirked. "You know they're dating, right?" She asked, not needing to specify which couple. 

Rainkeeper snapped out of his trance, threw his arms up, and let out an enraged yell. 

"Where's Dad?" He demanded, intent on finding the assassin for some tips.

Kelp, on the other hand, facetaloned and let out a groan.

"Is he at least kind?" He asked.

"Better." Joy insisted. "He speaks her language, both figuratively and literally." Kelp paused.

"What's his name?"

"Manta-Ray, but everyone calls him Ray," She replied.


"No siblings, but he's got a mother. Decent track history. He's pure Seawing, too."


"Singing, dancing, and generally being nice. He's quirky like Ander is, though."

"Anything else?"

"Father died in the hybrid war, he met Ander at school, although they waltzed once in a different dimension and that somehow ended a war. I don't know the specifics." Kelp paused.

"....And how do you know all of this?" Joy winked at him.

"A mother has her sources." She offered. "Want to hear about Rin and her secret cave that she thinks I don't know about?"

"Of course."

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