Shush, I'm Thinking

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Two Weeks Later...

Everything, it seemed, was normal again. 

Apple had healed and was back to painting and attempting to get her two friends together. 

Ander had begun teaching parrots how to speak Latin, and Rin went on crazy adventures with Parrot. 

Pear's parents were locked up in the Nightwing island prison, although it was still a mystery why Pear's father had been found beaten half to death. Rainkeeper had shrugged when he'd heard and said he wondered what had happened. Upon hearing this reply, Ander had rolled on the floor with laughter, although no one knew why. 

As for the students of JMA, they were back to school and unfortunately attending their classes. 

Juniper was still a jerk, but Shore didn't mind that much. He stuck close to Orange. He found that the notes for his song were coming easier now, after they had kissed. That was strange. 

Ember was also feeling strange. He and Apple wrote back and forth more than he wrote his parents, and yet he still missed seeing her face. Even more than he had earlier. He wasn't sure why.

Cypress found that she was spending every spare moment with Anaconda. The prince was a hilarious dragon in her opinion, and it made her feel bad when she noted how little anyone else cared about him. Anaconda didn't seem to mind though. He was happy whenever Cypress was ear.

Permafrost had taken a page from Apple's book and was forcing dragons around the school to start dating. Unbeknownst to the teachers, she had set up a speed dating night not too long ago. Shore, to many girls dismay, had not attended. 

Orange was perfectly content. She knew that Shore was conflicted over their kiss, but she also was positive that he wouldn't be dating another girl any time soon. Maybe she had been wrong in the past. Maybe there was a chance that he could like her as more than a friend. 

Dusk, if he was being honest, was a bit bored. After their return from the rainforest, JMA seemed a bit dull. Surely there was something he could do with his time that was worthwhile. 

Boysen was ready to set up a crazy wall. Haze unknowingly had his full attention at all times. She was just so vague and mysterious and refused to say anything about her life.  Why was her secrecy so darn appealing to him? He thought for hours, trying to piece together anything he could about her, but never thought to wonder why he was so obsessed with Haze. Maybe it was because, in the one part of his mind that wasn't focused on the facts, he thought she was kinda cute.


Dusk wandered into the library. Like his mother, Dusk had a deep love for scrolls, and Starflight was all too happy to help him find one on any subject he could think of. On this day though, Dusk had only one particular subject on his mind. If he could find out more info on this, it was sure to lead to something interesting.

"Hey Dusk," Starflight greeted him.

"Hi Grandfather." he replied. Even though he was in school, it still felt too weird to call his grandfather by his name. Dusk was proper like that. 

"Anything I can help you find today?" Dusk thought for a moment, trying to phrase his request in a way that wouldn't sound crazy.

"Yes, actually." he said finally. "Do you have any scrolls on Sandwing gangs?"


"Hello Boysen." Haze offered, walking past the dark dragonet. Boysen quickly followed her.

"Haze," he replied, stepping beside her.

"You've been stalking me."

"I prefer the term observing."

"Same difference. What do you want, because I assure you, I am not an easy dragon to kill." 

"I don't want to kill you!"

"Prove it then."

"I want to know about you. Why are you so vague? What's your past? Why'd you hatch next  to a corpse? That's a logical question to ask, isn't it?"

"Believe it or not, I'm not the first Sandwing to hatch next to a dead body." 

"That's creepy." Haze paused for a moment, thinking. She eyed Boysen carefully.

"Permafrost is right." she declared. "You do have a crush on me." Boysen's eyes pratically popped out of his head.

"What! No! I don't- that- where did she even- I-" His stammering only made it worse. Haze smirked at him slightly.

"Your inability to think on your feet is adorable." she proclaimed. Then her face switched, looking more serious. "I told you that I would tell you about my past when the time was right."


"And......" She turned away from him. "Art cave. Midnight. Be there, don't be there, I don't really care. But, if you do come, be alone." With that, she walked away, leaving Boysen even more curious.

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