Inner Circle

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Drought sat upon a throne in the Sting headquarters, looking deep in thought. Dawn stood beside him, watching him curiously.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE that Coal slipped through our talons. AGAIN." Drought commented. He sighed. "But, no matter, he'll pay for that soon enough." The Sandwing paused, examining his talons. "Dawn, darling, come here."

Dawn stepped closer to the throne.

"Strange choice; killing that Rainwing. I would've choosen Coal himself. Or that obnoxious Sandwing twit. Why choose her?" He questioned.

Dawn raised an eyebrow.

"No offense, Drought," she replied. "But you don't know those dragons like I do." Drought looked interested as she continued. "Coal and Haze are much stronger then me. I'd be an idiot to take them on. And Shore and Anaconda are too important to die. But Orange is a lot stronger then she looks, and she's very close to Shore. Removing her takes out exactly the type of dragon you requested."

Drought studied her for a moment.

" The more I talk with you, the more I realize just how valuable a member you are. You are loyal, but not blind, and smart, but you have common sense. All very wise traits..."

He started to stare at her and Dawn forced herself to remain still, even if she was growing more wary of Drought by the second. He stepped off the throne, walking over to her with an odd look in his eye that Dawn didn't recognize.

"Surely there must be someway I can repay you for all you've done." He offered. "Some way to celebrate that you're a full member, perhaps?"

Dawn stared, weighing his words. His voice hinted at something, but a part of her suspected that this was also a test. What she asked for could potentially make or break everything. But she was also curious. SO curious. Drought watched her carefully, trying to read her expression. He knew what he wanted Dawn to say, but they were on very different pages.

"There is something,"  Dawn began slowly.

"Anything." Drought replied instantly. Drawn paused. His tone had changed, as if he really were willing to give her anything she desired.

"I want to know the whole story." She continued. Drought seemed slightly disappointed, by he hid it well. "The truth about what happened when my dad was here, and your father- and how Haze and her family are involved in this anyway. The REAL story, Drought. No lies, no tricks, just the facts."

"Well that's easy enough." He replied. "I'm afraid I can't tell you much about your father's childhood, but Fennec can. I'll fill in the details about that  revolting Sandwing afterwards."

Dawn grinned, pleased with herself. Coal' s full story was not something that was shared with the other members of the Sting, and neither was Haze.

She had gained Drought's trust.

She had gotten into his inner circle, and now had access to everything inside.


Coal, Shore, Haze, Boysen, Dusk,  Cypress, and Anaconda waited in a room of Kindle's hut, until finally the Sandwing emerged from the back room.

Kindle, Haze deduced, was an older dragon. Middle-aged might be a better term, she decided as she studied the dragon, but she was old enough to be Coal' s grandmother, although Haze highly doubted that was true. Kindle seemed kind and sincere enough, but Haze was still wary. She didn't know where Kindle stood, after all.

"Your Rainwing friend should be alright," Kindle announced. "I'll check some more once she wakes up, but for now she's stable."

"Can we see her?" Shore demanded. The look on his face made it clear that no matter how Kindle responded, he was going to see Orange.

"Of course you can." The Sandwing smiled at Shore. "As if I'd keep you lovebirds apart a moment longer."

"We're not-"Shore objected.

"The Sandwing has spoken!" Haze interrupted. Shore rolled his eyes and quickly darted towards the back room. Kindle watched him go with a soft smile.

"Sweet little dragonets," She commented, looking at them all in turn before resting her eyes on Coal. "You haven't started kidnapping dragonets, have you?" She demanded.

"No, Kindle." Coal promised. " Its just that my children and their friends can't seem to stop meddling in my miserable past, and one of them ended I needing medical attention." Kindle snorted.

"You're lucky Queen Thorn was smart enough to keep me here."

"Well, she has a good track record with that kind of thing."

"Hold on," Dusk interrupted. " How exactly do you two know each other?"

Coal and Kindle exchanged a glance.

"He's yours, isn't he?" Kindle guessed.

"Yes," Coal confirmed.

"Well, curious cat," Kindle began. "Have you ever heard of a dragon called Six-Claws?"

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