A Horrible Plan, Really.

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After the small group of dragonets snuck out of JMA and headed for the SandWing Kingdom, the rest of the group stayed behind, lounging in boredom.

Permafrost and Stardust were literally lying o the floor of a cave, ready to do just about anything if it would be interesting. Luckily for them, Ander and Ray walked in, each holding a small vial of some green substance.

"Salutations, amigos!" Ander greeted them. "Are you busy?"

"No." Permafrost declared. "Seriously, if you want us to do anything, we're there."

"Perfect! Then I have a job for you."


"Ray and I have to test this substance," she held up the vial, and the two frowned at it. "Would you to be willing to supervise in case we go psychotic or die?"


"Wait," Stardust insisted. "What's in there?"

"Some plant." Ray shrugged. "We don't really know, but we hear it's quite effective."

"And why do you have to test it?"

"The stars asked us too." Ander explained. She clinked her vial with Ray's. "Here goes nothing."

"Oh boy. This isn't gonna end well." Stardust predicted as Ray and Ander uncapped the vials and breathed in the substance.

They both froze, their eyes going green.

"Uh, is that supposed to happen?" Permafrost asked.

"OH MY MOONS." Ray shouted. He started to jump up and down, looking ready for a fight as his pupils dilated. "GREAT STARS THAT STUFF IS STRONG. WHERE'S SOMEBODY I CAN BEAT UP? EH, NEVERMIND, I'LL PUNCH THE WALL!" And he drove his fist at the wall, denting the stone. Stardust and Permafrost's eyes widened. 

Ander wriggled and squirmed before clutching her head.

"I CAN SEE THOUGHTS." She announced. 

"You cannot." Permafrost told her.

"I CAN TOO! OH, HELLO LITTLE SILKWING! YOU'RE DRUGGED TOO! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??" She paused before blurting out what they assumed were the dragon's thoughts. "Hawker is going to kill me!" Ander laughed. "He's going to make that very stern frowny face and tut-tut and grumble about paperwork and then stab me with his spear thingy!"

Then she collapsed to the floor giggling her head off.


Stardust stared at the pair.

"Maybe we should get someone to help them..." he suggested.

"Nah, it'll probably wear off in a little bit." Permafrost offered. "Let's just secure them in here so Ray doesn't hurt anyone." Slowly, they backed out of the cave, ignoring Ander's rapid Latin tongues and the fact the Ray was sprinting all over the cave, trying to walk on the ceiling, and they locked the door to the cave.

"Is this what they do for fun?" Stardust questioned.

"Let's just say that they were voted Most likely to do crazy shit in our group." Permafrost explained.

"That makes sense."


After a LOT of persuasion, Dusk agreed to tell his father about the situation and get his help. This was why he now stood outside his house, hesitantly opening the door.

"Dusk?" His mother's voice immediately questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh....." He offered. Coal sighed.

"What happened now?" He asked. 

"Can I just tell you the plan and get your help and then you can kill me later?"

"Sure." Coal agreed.

"No, I'll kill you now if necessary." Firefly declared. "Go on."

And so Dusk explained. He told them everything about Drought and Dawn and their sudden disappearance. Coal listened intently, and Firefly watched on with a great deal of concern.

"Okay." Coal breathed when the explanation was over. "Let's go save your sister."

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