Sunkat's Wedding

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And I like, literally JUST finished naming everyone for the next generation, although I'm not sure they'll have their own book. We shall see. If they do, I'll need time to work out a plot.

But for now....IT'S SHIP TIME, even for the ships that only some of you like. And big reveal time. Yeah, it's about time.

A few days after Shore's ninth birthday, it was Sunny and Meerkat's wedding day.

True to his word, Meerkat did let Haze invite all of her friends to the wedding. But seeing as this was the lone Sandwing princess's wedding, there were hundreds of guests. 

And Sunny was getting married, of course, so she invited everyone she had ever shipped.

So, amongst the members of the crowd were Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, Peril- who was surrounded by fireproof dragons and rendered harmless- Riptide, Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, Joy, Kelp, Rainkeeper, Pear, Moon, Winter, Qibli, Seashell, Geyser, Coal, Firefly, Squelch, Adobe, Air, Nightflyer, Ember, Apple, Hope, Cypress and ALL of her siblings, Anaconda, Permafrost, Stardust, Boysen, Shore, Orange, Rin, Parrot, Ander, Ray, Stream, Dusk, Dawn, and, because Hope had begged, Fiji.

Every Out-Claw Thorn had was also present, and even the dragons in the Scorpion Den knew that if anyone caused trouble today, Thorn and hundreds of other dragons would rip them apart. 

Boysen tried his hardest not to burst out laughing as the ceremony began. Haze, despite her protests, had been made the flower girl, and the Sandwing had the fakest smile plastered on her face as she forcefully threw rose petals everywhere. 

But at least Boysen had the dignity to muffle his laughter, where as the rest of Haze's friends just quietly, snickered. Hope and Fiji just laughed, but everyone excused them because they were little.

The ceremony was flawless, and Thorn, despite her efforts not to, ended up crying along with most of the Dragonets of Destiny- although Glory and Tsunami will NEVER admit it. 

A huge party started up in the Stronghold shortly after, and the madness of having Haze's entire friend group, plus Joy and her friends, PLUS all five Dragonets of Destiny, was unleashed. 

But everyone, for once, was happy. There were no wars, no enemies to run from or chase after, no one to fight against. Dragons and hybrids of all tribes, all in one room, all content.

It was exactly how Sunny wanted it.

It wasn't long into the party before Moon snatched her son away from his friends. 

"Mother!" Stardust complained. He wanted to go back and dance with Permafrost, why was she pulling him away!?

"I want you to meet someone." Moon explained. They stopped in front of two familiar faces. One a Sandwing, the other an Icewing.

"Hello Stardust." Qibli greeted him. 

"Hi." Stardust said with a frown. He vaguely remembered Qibli, but he had no idea who the Icewing was or why his mother wanted him to be here.

"Stardust, this is Winter and Qibli." Moon began. "They're your fathers." Stardust froze.

"Both?" Winter questioned. "Did we ever get that confirmed?"

"Yes." Moon declared. "I tested it shortly after he hatched, and he is both of your sons." She glanced between them. "It is genetically possible."

"Cool." Qibli insisted. Moon rolled her eyes at him.

"So, you're my dads?" Stardust repeated. They nodded. "...Okay." He stared at them. "...What am I supposed to do with you guys?"

"Whatever you want." Moon offered. "Punch them in the gut, for all I care."

"Um..." Stardust had no idea what to say. He'd gone his entire life without a father, and apparently now he had two. What was he supposed to do? "Did you guys know about me?" He questioned.

"Not until you were like, two or three." Qibli offered. 

"Moon didn't exactly TELL us." Winter added, shooting a look at the Nightwing.

"If I HAD told you, Winter," Moon shot back. "What exactly would you have done?" That shut him up quite fast.

"STARDUST!" a loud voice called out, and then Permafrost barreled into him.

"Hey Frost," Stardust grinned at her. "Um, these are my dads...." Permafrost's eyes widened. "Guys, this is Permafrost. She's my girlfriend."

"Oh really?" Qibli said slyly, grinning at the Icewing.

"Like mother like son." Winter commented. Moon looked ready to slap to slap him.

"Hi," Permafrost said meekly. "I'm gonna. Go....over" She took off, obviously flustered, and ran straight into Rin. Stardust laughed and then turned back to his parents.

"Permafrost!" Rin declared. "I was just looking for you."

"Stardust introduced me to his FATHERS and I panicked and ran!" She exploded. "I'M KINDA FREAKING OUT."

"Calm down." Rin advised.


"Distract you how?"

"I DON'T KNOW, THINK OF SOMETHING!" Rin thought for a moment and smirked.

"Well, there is one thing..." She began. "For old time's sake, anyways." Permafrost caught on and smiled.

"Sorry, Manda, but I'm spoken for."  She teased.

"So am I."

".....Well okay then. For old time's sake." Rin rolled her eyes, grabbed Permafrost and kissed her.


Kelp had been scanning the party, looking for Joy or one of his old friends, when instead, his eyes landed on the sight of Rin. He stopped, and tapped the dragon next to him.

"Parrot?" He began, still staring at Rin.

"Yes?" Parrot asked.

"Aren't you dating Rin?"


"Then how come she's currently kissing an Icewing girl?"

"Oh that's Permafrost. They kiss sometimes."

"....And you're okay with that?" Parrot shrugged.

"Honestly, I think it's kinda cool." Kelp switched his stare to Parrot.

"Three moons, she has been SUCH a bad influence on you."


"Hey Orange?" Shore asked.

"Yes, Shore?" Orange replied, glancing over at him.

"This whole event's got me thinking,"

"Uh huh,"

"Would you ever want to marry me?" Orange's eyes widened.

"Shore," she began seriously. "I would marry you tomorrow if you wanted me too."

"Well, I don't know about TOMORROW," Shore insisted. "I'd take time to find someone to officiate it. How about in two days?" Orange stared at him.

"Shore, are you seriously asking me to marry you in two days?"

"Oh wait, Ander is certified to marry dragons, so no, I'm asking you to marry me tomorrow." He explained. 

"Well," Orange smiled. "I accept."

"Wonderful. I'll go tell Ander to clear her schedule." 

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