~Flashback~ Wedding

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A/N: I'm not good at writing wedding scenes so forgive me if I skip over some parts.

Kelp stood in front of a mirror, and he half smiled at it, a lump in his throat. He didn't know why he was so nervous all of a sudden. Maybe it was because this was actually happening, and no one was going to stop it. Not Macaw, not Coral, no one. Everything was finally perfect. Footsteps sounded as Deathbringer, Rainkeeper, and Nightflyer entered the room. 

"Just checking in on the groom." Deathbringer explained. They surrounded him. 

"And remember," Nightflyer began. "You break her heart," 

"We break you." Deathbringer and Rainkeeper said in unison. 

"Got it?" 

"Definitely." Kelp promised. 

"Good." Deathbringer announced, patting him on the back. "This has been a nice chat." The boys left soon afterwards, leaving Kelp alone once more. He grinned in the mirror. It's really happening.

"You look beautiful." A voice declared. Joy turned and smiled. Deathbringer stood in the doorway, grinning at her. 

"You're sure you're okay with this?" She questioned. He sighed. 

"As okay as I'm going to get." He admitted, crossing the room to get a closer look at her. "After all, it is my little girl's wedding day." Joy grinned at him. 

"You know, when I was younger, I always thought you'd kill the first dragon I kissed." Deathbringer smiled. 

"I would've, but your Mother wouldn't let me." He paused, studying her. "You really love him, don't you?" 


"Then I have no reason to kill him."

"Comforting." They smiled.


Air, Moon, Nightflyer, Qibli, Seashell, and Winter(staying true to his word), sat in the audience, a faint smile on their faces as their friends got married. Many dragons had expected that Joy would have some huge wedding, like most royal dragons did. But instead, it was relatively small. Just Joy, Kelp, and their closest friends and family. Nothing more. It was simple and sweet, just the way they had wanted it. The ceremony went by fast, until the final official words were spoken.

"You may now kiss the bride." 

"Screw that." Joy announced, pulling Kelp in for a long passionate kiss. The crowd cheered as they broke apart momentarily, before Kelp properly kissed her. 

Just a few hours later, everyone found themselves at yet another Rainwing fiesta. Joy was smiling ear to ear as she made her way around to groups of dragons. But a familiar dragon stopped her progress.

"Hello Joy." She let out a sigh.

"Macaw, it's my wedding day. Can you try to not be an asshole for once in your life?" she questioned. 

"Hey, the only one of us that's ever been an asshole is you."

"I'm not an asshole, I'm a sarcastic little shit. Learn the difference." 

Macaw rolled his eyes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked.

"What? No!" she exclaimed. "I'm married. Literally, I just got married, like three hours ago. And besides, Kelp will brutally murder you if you so much as touch me."

"Well, I don't see him around here anywhere." 

"Don't be so sure about that." Joy insisted, a slow smile growing on her face. 

"Please. He doesn't eve-" Macaw's words were cut off as strong talons wrapped around his throat and picked him off the ground.

"Is he bothering you?" Kelp asked. Joy grinned.

"Kelp, remember our agreement. No killing anyone on our wedding day." 

"Ah, of course." He dropped Macaw and the Rainwing scrambled away, clutching his throat. Kelp glared after him.

"Don't worry, you can murder him tomorrow if you want." Joy offered, wrapping her arms around his waist. Kelp's hand snuck around and held her. 

" I could, but I did have some other plans in mind for tomorrow," he admitted, kissing her.

"You have my full attention." she insisted, staring at him. 

Across the room, Glory and Deathbringer watched the new couple, knowing smiles on their faces. 

"They really are a perfect fit for each other." Glory commented. "They look so in love." Deathbringer smirked. 

"Young love," he mocked in a sing-songy voice. Glory whacked his arm. 

"Please," she commented. "You remember when we were like that."

"Aren't we still?" he teased, a devious look on his face.

"What did you do?" 



" Not a thing." Glory smirked. 

"Deathy." he grinned.

"Your flower crown may have gone missing again." he admitted.


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