Your Sister Is Scary

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"This isn't going to work." Cypress insisted. "We don't know who is taking everyone, or how their choosing their victims. If anything, they're picking hybrids, so they probably won't think I am one and therefore will not take me." Ray rolled his eyes.

"If you're so against this plan, why did you volunteer?" He questioned.

"Well, someone had to. Why didn't you?"

"Because this is risky, and I don't want Mea worrying if things go south."

"You two are so cute together," Cypress grinned, stealthily switching the subject.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You two just met, and already you're totally in love and you have your own nickname for Meander." Ray smiled.

"She said I could call her anything I wanted too, so I thought Mea was fitting. And we didn't just meet. We knew each other before school started."

"You did?"


"Well, then where'd you meet?"

"Our prisoner souls met during the star civil war. We spoke in their language, waltzed in a different dimension, and freed each other from comatose states. It was quite the bonding experience." Cypress stared at him.

"Oh. That......makes sense?" Ray nodded.

"It is difficult for average intelligence to understand anything Mea and I do." He sighed. "It's one of the things I love about our relationship."

"If you say so." Before Ray could respond, there was a slight scrap of talons.

"I should go," Ray insisted. He was only supposed to escort Cypress to the last place someone had been taken from- he wasn't the bait like Cypress was. Ander would freak if something happened to him.

"Oka-" Cypress's response was cut short as something sharp jabbed at her neck, and then Ray's a moment later.

"Oh no," Ray declared as they both faded into unconsciousness.


"Well, the plan worked." Crimson announced. "Aaaaand it also went horribly wrong."

"What do you mean?" Ander asked. "Elaboration is necessary."

"Um..." Crimson eyes the dragonet cautiously. She didn't want to break her heart, but the news has to be shared. "Ray went missing too."

Ander blinked. Ray was gone? Taken by mysterious strangers and potentially dead?

"Okay." She replied, walking away.

"That's it?" Crimson said in shock as the hybrid wandered over to their weapons pile. "I thought you'd react differently."

"How so?" Ander questioned, picking up on of the swords and inspecting it.

"I thought you'd burst into tears to be honest."

"On the canary," Ander turned, and in one sleek motion had Crimson pinned to the wall of the cave, the sword held at her throat. Ander's eyes glittered dangerously and Crimson froze at the sudden change. "I am going to find those unfortunate serpents and turn their guts into a nice long rope I can choke them to death with."

Crimson gaped as Ander released her and examined the sharpness of the blade.

"Hey guys," Shore announced, walking into the room. He stopped when he noticed the look on Crimson's face. "....What?"

"Holy crap, Shore." Crimson declared. "Your sister can be scary." Shore raised an eyebrow.

"You're just learning this now?" He questioned. 

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