It's The End of The Year, As We Know It

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A/N: Okay, I won't end this book for a lil while longer. But I can't promise a sequel to this, seeing as I have not even really considered the next generation. I'm in the process of inventing said next generation, but I don't know if I'll make a whole book for them. So, for now, you'll have to stick with this generation. :)

It had finally arrived. The end of the school year. The Dragonets of Destiny sighed with relief, extremely grateful for the long months they had to recover.

Shore and the others hung out on the ledge outside the mountain, where most of their parents had sat before them. They chatted amongst themselves, waiting for their parents to show up.

"Am I the only one who feels like we didn't even spend time here this year?" Boysen asked.

"No," Haze insisted. "But that's only because we DIDN'T spend any time here."

"Yeah, we were much too busy fighting bad guys and falling in love." Apple explained.

"And SHIPPING!" Permafrost added.

"And killing dragons..." Ander piped in quietly. Ray and her laughed silently, like the little maniacs they were.

"Oh, hey! My mom's here!" Stardust announced, spotting Moon in the crowd. He grabbed Permafrost's arm. "Come on!" Permafrost's eyes widened in fear.

"Wait what- Stardust!" she yelped. "I AM NOT PHYSICALLY PREPARED TO MEET YOUR MOTHER!"

The others laughed as their Icewing friend was dragged over.

"Mother!" Stardust called, barreling into the familiar Nightwing.

"Hey Stardust," Moon smiled at him. 

"Mom, this is Permafrost. Permafrost, this is my mother." Permafrost's eyes were practically the size of the moons.

"Hi," she offered meekly, vaguely remembering that Moon could read her mind.

Think about something non-incriminating! she yelled in her head. Think- Think of ice! Yeah, that'll work! Ice ice ice ice ice. Ice...Icicles....Princess Icicle, the disowned prisoner princess, sister to Prince Winter, the supposedly dead Icewing Prince- wait, didn't Stardust say there was a 50% chance Winter was his father? SHIT WHY DID I THINK-THAT GO BACK TO ICE!!!!!

Moon laughed.

"You don't have to be so nervous," she offered. Permafrost laughed anxiously.

"Please ignore anything that goes on in my head." Permafrost pleaded. Stardust smiled at her reassuringly, and Moon eyed the two of them with a knowing smirk.

"Alright." Moon declared. 

"Alright what?" Stardust questioned.

"Go for it," she explained. "But for the love of the moons, don't get a Sandwing involved too. I cannot deal with another love triangle." Stardust blushed.


"My dad's here!" Haze announced, spotting Meerkat near the entrance. She quickly said goodbye to the gang, made the silly promises to write and visit over the summer, gave Boysen a kiss, and headed over to her father.

"Haze!" He greeted her warmly, wrapping her in a hug.

"Hi Dad!" she replied, ignoring the dragons passing them by. But Meerkat stopped momentarily, someone catching his eye.

"Isn't that Princess Sunny?" He questioned, nodding at the Sandwing. Haze nodded.

"Yep. She's one of the teachers here. Wanna meet her?" She asked, slightly bored. Sunny and Tsunami might be royalty, but at JMA they were just teachers. 

"Sure," Meerkat insisted, half-smiling. So Haze dragged him over.

"Hey Sunny!" She announced. "This is my Dad, his name is Meerkat. Dad, this is Sunny." Suny glanced up and smiled at Meerkat.

"Nice to meet you," she offered.

"You too," Meerkat replied, still smiling. Haze frowned, glancing back and forth between the two of them. 

"What have I started?" She whispered to herself. 

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