~Flashback~ Pearkeeper

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A/N: Oh My moons, I've started the new Winterwatcher/Moonbli debate with Wintershell vs. Geysershell. It's half and half. Idk which one to do. Either way, somebody'll be upset. *screams* HOW DO I CHOOSE?!!?!?!? Anyways, enjoy Pearkeeper...

Pear froze as soon as she spotted them. She stopped breathing, her heart stopped beating. For a moment, she practically died. Her talons unconsciously clung to the heart necklace she wore- the necklace Rainkeeper had made for her. It was her comfort, but right now nothing could comfort her. Because standing just across the room from her, talking to Queen Glory and Deathbringer, were her parents.

"Pear!" Her mother cried happily at the sight of her. Deathbringer paused as he took her in. Pear looked absolutely terrified. Her face was pale as a sheet, swirls of white pain mixing in with her fear green scales. He had never seen this dragon look so scared before. What wasn't being said here? She jumped away, into the wall of the room as her father took a step towards her.

"What? No hug for your old man?" He asked. Pear swallowed hard.

"Last time I tried to hug you, you broke a beer bottle over my head. I had to keep my scales the same color as the glass for weeks because of the pieces of it stuck in my head that I couldn't reach." She explained. An uncomfortable pause hung in the air before Pear's parents laughed nervously.

"Always a jokester, this one." Her mother insisted. Glory eyed her skeptically. She didn't trust these dragons. As they all exchanged tense glances, another dragon entered the room.

"Rainkeeper!" Glory exclaimed, relieved for the distraction. "These are Pear's parents." Rainkeeper's face hardened. The paintbrush in his talons snapped in two from rage.

"And why the hell would you let them in here?" He demanded.

"Now now, is that any way to treat your future in laws?" Her father questioned.

"You're joking right? I outa break all your bones right now."

"Rainkeeper!" He growled in response, and quickly crossed the room, standing protectively next to Pear.

"Don't think I don't know what you've done to her before." Rainkeeper warned. Pear's father glared at him.

"What I did doesn't change anything. She's my daughter, and I can do whatever I want to her."

"It does change some things." Pear objected softly.

"What was that?" he demanded. "What did I tell you about talking back to me?" His hand pulled back, ready to strike her. Pear squeezed her eyes closed, prepared to be hit yet again. Except it never happened. She cautiously opened her eyes and took in the scene before her. 

Her father's hand was frozen just inches away from her face. Rainkeeper had his talons firmly wrapped around his wrist, preventing him from hitting her. Pear's mother and Glory were frozen to the spot and Deathbringer looked murderous. The room was so silent you could practically feel the rage radiating off of Rainkeeper. His eyes were cold. He looked ready to kill.

"Father or not," he began. "You touch her again, and I'll kill you." A short cry of shock escaped from Pear and she clamped her talons over her mouth. 

"Let him go Rainkeeper." Deathbringer interrupted. "He's not worth it." Reluctantly, Rainkeeper released him, their eyes never breaking contact. They were almost having a silent contest. The first one to look away admitted defeat. But eventually, Rainkeeper glanced away, his attention focusing on Pear. 

"Pear," Glory began slowly, regaining her voice. "Did these dragons abuse you?" Murderous looks were directed at Pear from her parents, as if they'd kill her if she so much as nodded. The very thought of answering the question terrified her. What would they do if she said yes? And what if she lied and said no? Rainkeeper grabbed ahold of one of her hands, entwining their talons. He gave her confidence. He gave her the knowledge that she was protected, no matter what her parents might try. 

"Yes," she whispered, tightening her hold on Rainkeeper's hand. Tension skyrocketed. Red fury spread across Glory's scales.

"Arrest them." she snapped. Rainkeeper quietly lead Pear from the room as her parents struggled against the guards. 

"YOU'LL REGRET THIS PEAR!" her father declared. "WE'LL BE BACK ONE DAY, AND WHEN WE ARE, EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT WILL DIE!" Pear tensed and Rainkeeper wrapped his arm around her.

"Don't listen to them." he urged. "They're just shouting lies so that you'll be afraid." She stared at him.

"But if that's a lie, then how do I know what's true?" Rainkeeper thought for a moment before he leaned over and kissed her.

"That's true." he explained, brushing tears off her face. "We're real." Pear's voice trembled as she spoke, as she was on the verge of tears.

"Three moons, I love you." she whispered, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled her closer, letting her cry into his shoulder. 

"I love you too." he whispered back.

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