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Dusk and Haze stood outside the address from the scroll. Dusk frowned at the imposing building, noting the harsh looking Sandwings that stood guard on either side of the door.

"Last chance," Haze offered. "We could just go back to JMA now. OR you could go home and just ask your dad like a normal dragon."

"I have asked. I just haven't gotten a reply." Dusk explained, gathering his courage. "We need to do this." Haze sighed and they walked towards the doors. Sure enough, the guards stopped them instantly.

"What do you want?" One of them growled.

"W-we're uh..." Dusk stammered, caught off guard by his tone. Haze fought back the urge to roll her eyes.

"We're here to see Fennec." she demanded, stepping in front of her friend. "You gotta problem with that?" The guards exchanged a glance.

"Fennec didn't say anything about visitors." he retorted.

"Call us a surprise." 

"What business do you have with him?" Haze rolled her eyes.

"I wanna snort some cactus spikes with him; what the hell do you think? It's private." 

"You'll have to leave your weapons out here."

"We don't have any weapons." Dusk piped up. Haze shot him a quelling glare. 

"Fine by me." she insisted, revealing a dagger and placing it in the guard's hand. "But I want it back when I leave." 

"Don't cause any trouble and that shouldn't be an issue." he handed the blade to the other guard and escorted them inside. Dusk stared at Haze in shock.

"How did you do that?" he questioned.

"It's called communication skills, moron." she deadpanned. 

They fell silent as the guard led them through the building. There were weapons and guards around every corner. Dusk peered into one room and instantly regretted it, noting that it was filled with chains and weird torture devices he didn't want identified. One door was cracked open and Dusk could make out a silent dragon inside, staring out a window. She glanced over at him and her eyes widened, as if she recognized him. Finally, they stopped at a room near the end of a bunch of prison cells. A solemn dragon stood inside, gazing around the dusty room with a look of regret. 

"You've got visitors." The guard announced. The dragon looked up in confusion and raised an eyebrow at the dragonets.

"Uh, thank you Jackal." he insisted. The guard nodded and left the room.

"You must be Fennec." Haze greeted the stranger.

"Yes, and who are you?" Haze dropped into an annoyed expression and shoved Dusk forward.

"Um, hi." Dusk said awkwardly. There was a pause as Fennec awaited an explainaton.

"Go on," Haze urged. Dusk glanced back at her sheepishly.

"I honestly didn't think we'd get this far." he admitted. "I don't know what to do."

"Oh for the love of," she groaned and facetaloned.

"Can I help you with something?" Fennec questioned.

"Yes," Dusk confirmed. "Or, at least, I hope you can. My name is Dusk. I got your name and address off the back or a scroll and I.... I was hoping you could tell me something about my father."

"Well, that depends." Fennec admitted. "Who's your father?"

"His name is Coal." Fennec froze, his mouth gaping as his mind reeled.

Coal? He was alive? And, more than that, he had a son?! Prickle will want to know about this, Fennec ordered himself. And yet he paused, staring at the dragonet before him. He looked so innocent- so much like Coal when he was little. They had the same eyes, he noted. He thought back to the last time he had seen his little brother. That Nightwing they had taken, could that be this dragonet's mother? Prickle, he knew, would be furious if he found out. And for some reason, the dragonet's name sounded so familiar. Dusk......Where had he heard that before? 

"Well?" Haze asked, jolting Fennec out of his thoughts. "Have you heard of him?"

"Heard of him?" Fennec said in shock. "He's my brother."

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