For The Love Of Hazen

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"So, why are you here?" Boysen asked. "Not that I mind, I'm just curious."

"Oh, it's nothing really." Haze insisted. "Just that there's a gang framing me for murder and they all are trying to kill me- Oh, and there's a 50% chance that Dusk and his whole family have been murdered because of that, but I didn't stick around to see if they were still alive. So basically, I need a place to stay until this all blows over, and thought to myself, Where better to stay then my boyfriend's underground bunker with its army?"

Boysen stared.

"I should REALLY be used to responses like that." He commented. "And yet, I'm not. Um, so.....For starters, it's not MY underground bunker, it's just a place I'm allowed to stay because I have nowhere else to stay. Secondly, Why is a gang framing you for murder? Thirdly, WHY THE HELL MIGHT DUSK BE DEAD?"

"A gang's framing me because I stabbed a bitch once, and the dragon that saw me do it showed up at Dusk's house and tried to kill me, and then I think Coal attacked him or something? I don't know, I flew off, so he might've gotten mad that I left and killed them. It's just a theory." She replied.

Boysen thought for a minute before eyeing Haze curiously and fiddling with his talons.

"And, so..." he began, trying to sound casual. "How come you were at Dusk's?"

"Because my Dad got a girlfriend- convenient timing on that, actually. And so now hes never home and I got bored, so I went to visit him."

"Oh." Boysen replied bluntly. Haze studied him for a moment before  realization seemed to strike her.

"Oh. My. Moons." she declared, staring at him appall. "You're jealous, aren't you!"

"I am not!" Boysen shot back instantly, his face growing warmer. Haze laughed. 

"You are so!" She laughed harder. "You're jealous of Dusk!" This seemed like the funniest thing in the world to Haze, although Boysen didn't see why. 

"So?" He demanded, a little annoyed. He didn't see the humor. Haze sighed in content.

"Moons, it's been a while since I laughed that hard." she commented before looking at him. "Boysen, you don't have to be jealous of anyone- especially of Dusk. We're just friends. Heck, he's like my brother!"Boysen stared at her for a moment.

"Promise?" He asked. She smiled. 

"I promise." she swore. "Cross my heart and hope to be impaled by a cactus." Now it was Boysen's turn to laugh. 

"It's gonna be fun having you here," He guessed.

"Yeah," Haze smirked. "Who knows, maybe I'll just move in."

"Please don't."

"No promises, jealous-berry."

"I am not jealous!" Boysen's face was bright red. 

"Sure you're not." Haze replied, grinning at him. "You're so adorable."

"And you're insufferable."

"Oh shush you dweeb. You love me."

"Unfortunately, yes." Boysen admitted. Haze raised an eyebrow.

"Well in that case, I hate you." Boysen smiled.

"Okay. Hate you." He teased, kissing her.

"Hate you too." she insisted, kissing him back. 

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