A/N: Imma Just Throw This Idea Out Here

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Shout out to GlorybringerRulesAll because I visited your profile recently, and I love it. 

Also, a shout out to LoveofWinterWatcher because you are awesome.

And I have recently found out that Wattpad has it's own supply of Holy Water, for all you lemon lovers.

Anyways! I should probably get to the point here so that I can make an actual update.

I am considering writing a different version of this story.

Don't worry, Just A Little Glorybringer For Ya, and Listen And The Stars Shall Speak will NOT be affected at all.

The new book would basically be a deeper, darker story that would include some things I don't bring up in the other books, such as




-Slight amount of rape, maybe.

-A deeper love story


-Most likely a lot more swearing

This book would be like the non-sugar coated version in a way, I guess. And some things in it might be better for you if you're a bit more dirty minded....[I WILL NOT BE WRITING LEMONS, but things are going to go further than just kissing and then walking away]

I would mainly be focusing on Jelp, Coalfly, and Pearkeeper. Particularly Jelp, cause I know how much you all love it.

The only main downside if I should write this is that in some parts Glory becomes a bit of a asshole. I didn't mean for that to happen, but it's just the way things kind've unfolded. 

As for time, this book would take place between their last years at JMA, up until they all have dragonets. When the events of LATSSS begin is where I'll end the last one.

There is also a good chance that I won't start this book until I finish LATSSS(Listen And The Stars Shall Speak), but you never know. 

If you would be interested in reading this, or have any questions about it, let me know! I'm just throwing the idea out there for now so nothing is official yet. 

As a side note, I am also pondering another idea. I read so many fanfictions of the Next Gen. Harry Potter characters going back in time and meeting their parents and stuff.......

What if I did that, but with Wings of Fire?

Hmm.......I'll let you think about that one.

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