So You Wanna Start A War

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Dawn glanced down at the note that Drought had left for her, making sure she was in the right place.

The empty cave, six down from the music cave. Midnight.

Be there, or else.


Ominous, yet Dawn knew who it was from. That was why she had snuck out of her sleeping cave during the night, and was grateful that she had inherited her mother's ability to see in the dark.

"You're right on time." Drought's voice echoed in the cave as she entered.

"I usually am. Unless I have history class." she insisted. " So, what do you want now? And why couldn't we talk during the day?" Drought gave her an annoyed glare.

"Rule number one," he started. "You don't ask what I want- I tell you. Secondly, you must be joking. Meeting during the day is risky."

"Risky how?"

"Your brother, of course." Drought stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  "Dusk has friends all over this school. Anyone could see us together and report back to him. Like that idiotic Mudwing girl, for example."

"Willow? She's completely harmless."

"And, like all Mudwings, completely loyal to her family. She tells her siblings everything, and her sister is quite close with your brother, is she not?"

"Cypress? Uh, yeah, but I'm close with her too. We're cousins, for crying out loud. Or is it cousins once-removed?"

"Doesn't matter."

"You never answered my question. What are we doing here?" Drought sighed.

"There are certain things to need to learn and do before becoming a member of the Sting. You can't just say you're in a gang- you have to work for it."

"Okay. What do I have to do?"

"For starters, The Sting is an organization. We have laws and rules, just like every other carefully structured thing. You must learn these laws and complete three tasks before becoming a full-fledged member. But be warned, Dawn, these tasks are not without consequences. Once you begin them, there's no going back. And if you fail a task, we are likely to kill you." Dawn paused.

"What- what are you saying?" she asked, trying not to sound nervous.

"I'm saying that if you want to back out, now would be the time to do so." Dawn shook herself, finding her confidence.

"I'm not backing out." she declared. "Where do I start?" Drought handed her a scroll.

"These are out laws. Learn them, know them, follow them at all costs. I will test you on them the next time we meet." He eyed her carefully. "And make sure you don't tell anyone about this. Understood?"

"Understood. As far as my brother knows, I've sworn to stay as far away from you as possible." Drought grinned.

"Wonderful. Perhaps you'll be an even greater ally then I'd hoped. Now, because I lead the Sting and do what I want, we'll start your first task today."

"Right now?"

"Right now. Usually this task is done last, but we can make an exception." Drought held up a thin dagger, and Dawn's heart jumped nervously. "This task is to prove your loyalty to the Sting and to its fellow members. By completing it, you agree to protect your family inside the gang, to avenge fallen brothers, and to accept the consequences of betrayal. Do you accept these terms?"


"Very well." Drought held up his right talon, and sliced into it, a thin line of blood appearing along the palm of his hand. He handed her the dagger. "Now you do the same."

Dawn took the dagger, and pressed it against her hand. She hesitated slightly, and then cut into her hand, wincing slightly from the pain. 

She and Drought shook hands, their blood mixing. Drought smiled at her.

"Congratulations," he offered. "You're on your way to becoming a Sting member."

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