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"What?" Haze said in shock. Who was this dragonet? Rattlesnake was his mother? But who was his father? 

......Oh shit, Haze thought to herself. I might've just murdered my half-brother's father. 

"Drought, leave the girl alone." A soothing voice insisted. Haze nearly shivered at the sound of it before turning to see Rattlesnake eyeing her. Haze's eyes widened. "Who are you?" 

"I-I'm Haze." she stammered, nervous for a reason she didn't quite understand. Something flickered in Rattlesnake's eyes as she glanced back at Drought.

"Go stay with Fennec." she ordered.

"But I don't want to play with Fennec- I want to play with you! You never play with me!" the dragonet retorted.



"Drought." Rattlesnake growled, her fists clenching. "Go." His face fell and he reluctantly stormed out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Rattlesnake's face softened and she whirled around to face Haze. "What can I do for you?" she asked, a longing edging her voice.

"Did....Did you know a dragon named Meerkat?" Haze questioned, just to make sure. Tears filled Rattlesnake's eyes.

"I knew it." she whispered. She shook her head in shock and stepped towards Haze. Haze frowned, and yet, she thought she understood.

" I your daughter?" 

"Yes." With that one word, the missing piece Haze had always felt faded away. She broke out in a grin that was very unlike herself and rushed at Rattlesnake, hugging her. Rattlesnake hugged her fiercely, tears rolling  down her face. She nearly sobbed. "I knew you'd find me." she insisted. "Prickle didn't know about an egg when he took me so I knew you'd survived and..." she trailed off, shaking her head. 

Finally they broke apart and wiped the tears from their faces. 

"Who brought you here?" Rattlesnake asked. "Surely you didn't come alone. Is Mayfly here? She was always up for something crazy. Or Meerkat? Is he even alive? I wasn't sure if Prickle tracked him down, or even bothered too-"

"Mother," Haze whispered, cutting her off. She paused, letting the word sink in. "Meerkat didn't bring me and Mayfly......" She glanced down. "Mayfly died." Rattlesnake froze and closed her eyes. 

"She always told Meerkat he'd be the death of her." she admitted. "I guess she was right." she paused. "You would've liked her."

"Dad says that too."

"So he's okay?"

"He's fine." Rattlesnake stared at her.

"You have his eyes, you know. They're greyish, not black like everyone else's."

"Mother...." Haze began. "I have to know. Why didn't you ever come back? Surely you could've found some way to escape! And if..." she shook herself. "Dad always told me that you said you loved him more than anything. But if that's true, then why.... why did you have Drought?" Her mother stared at the floor.

"If I left, Prickle would only chase after me again. I didn't want to risk him finding out about you. If he knows who you are, he'll stop at nothing to kill you." Haze snorted.

"Good thing he didn't know then." she added slyly, smirking as she remembered her short attack on him. 

"And, as for Drought..." Rattlesnake looked rueful. "I didn't want him- I didn't want to even see another dragonet after I lost you, let alone have another. But Prickle needed an heir, and I was weak in misery. I had lost everything after he took me. It seemed pointless to fight him. But when I found out about Drought.... Well, let's just say there's some things that you're too young to know."

Before Haze could respond, there was a pounding on the door.

"Uh, Haze? We gotta go!" Dusk's slightly panicked voice called.

"Who's that?" Rattlesnake asked.

"Um, long story." Haze explained. "I have to go." Rattlesnake frowned and hugged her tightly.

"It's for the best if you stay as far away from here as possible." she insisted.

"But then how will I ever see you again?" Rattlesnake stared at her.

"Haze.... I love you. I always have, and I always will. But there is no escape for me. I have to stay here, and you have to go. That's the only way."

"What if you came with us?" Haze questioned. "We- we could run away! Father would be thrilled to see you! We could fly off and live on an island or something, somewhere Prickle could never find us!" Her mother's eyes filled with tears again as she shook her head.

"I wish, Haze, I wish. But he would find me, and he would kill you. This is the only way I know to keep you safe." She ushered her towards the door and looked at her one last time. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For letting me know I still have something to live for." With that, she gently pushed Haze out the door and closed it, shutting the door between them forever.

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