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Kelp sat at the bottom of a dark cell, wringing out his talons. He'd been in here for days, and no one had showed up. It was as if they were waiting for him to crack first, before they bothered to see him. Well, too bad for them then, because he wasn't cracking anytime soon. Geyser got away, he thought to himself. He'll tell Glory and she'll tell Joy. They'll get me out of here. They'll bargain somehow....Or Joy will just randomly burst in here and burn the place down. One of the two. He glanced up at the sound of footsteps nearing him, only to see the last dragon he'd ever want to..

"Why, hello Kelp." Queen Coral said with a smirk. "Long time, no see."

"Wow." Apple announced as she entered the Colors of the Wings.

"It's something, isn't it?" Ember agreed. Apple nodded, too shocked to speak.

"I'll go report to Cinder. You get her settled in." A rough rainwing ordered, with a nod at Apple.

"Of course." Ember insisted. His eyes scanned the mountain before finally landing on a familiar face. He grabbed Apple's hand. "Come on, I've got someone for you to see." They made their way up the mountain before stopping in front of a busy dragon that didn't glance up. Apple's look of wonder faded quickly and her face hardened. Ember cleared his throat to get the distracted dragon's attention. "You've got a visitor." he commented. Rainkeeper glanced up and dropped the pen he was holding.

"Apple?" he whispered in shock.

"Hi Dad." she replied.

Dusk stared at his parents accusingly, although he remained silent. Their whispered conversation stopped as they noticed his stare.

"Yes?"Firefly asked. Dusk crossed his arms.

"Are there things you don't tell Dawn and I?" he questioned. His parents exchanged a glance.

"Well, yes, but all parents do that." Coal admitted.

"Maybe, but last time I checked they don't hide the fact that they have brothers."

"Where did you hear that?" Coal demanded.

"From you." Another glance, this one more nervous than the last. Firefly fidgeted slightly. She knew what conversation he must have overheard. There was a pause.

"Why didn't you tell us that we had more uncles?" Dusk questioned.

"Because my brothers are awful horrible dragons that would kill you, Dawn, your mother and me without a second thought."

"But they're your brothers!"

"That doesn't mean they like me." Dusk stood shocked for a moment before turning to his mother.

"And you didn't think that maybe we'd want to know that we have animus blood? Or that our mother is a-"

"Shh!" Firefly cut him off. "Not so loud."

"So it is true!"

"Yes." she sighed. "But I am not an animus, and neither are you or Dawn."

"How do you know?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Coal asked. Firefly looked at the ground.

"I did a small enchantment after Dusk hatched to see when the next animus would be, and neither of their names were on the list." There was another pause.

"But who was?"

"I'm not sure I should say."


"Stardust." she blurted out.

"What?" Coal and Dusk questioned.

"The only animuses in the entire world right now are me, Stonemover, Turtle, Anemone,.....and Stardust- Moon's son."

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